KAATSU blog posts testimonials, protocols, case studies, techniques and ideas about KAATSU for recovery, rehabilitation, functional mobility and athletic performance. Statements included in this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
A full postpartum recovery from pregnancy and childbirth is transformative and can takes months or years. While time and patience are required, KAATSU can play an extremely efficient and effective role in post-natal recovery.
A lack of time and a lack of sleep are just two major obstacles to returning back to normal, both physiologically and emotionally.
KAATSU equipment can be used anytime and anywhere - and presents an entirely new paradigm for young mothers. KAATSU Air Bands should be used exclusively in the KAATSU Cycle mode while mothers are:
* regularly breastfeeding
* gently rocking their baby to sleep
* pushing their child in a stroller
* doing housework from folding clothes to tidying up
* preparing meals
* typing emails or texting
* playing with and watching the baby
This is an example of 'double-stacking' with KAATSU. That is, KAATSU is being performed while focusing on another important activity.
The KAATSU Cycle mode's gentle, rhythmic, automated pressure on the arms or legs, even without movement, is exercise that specifically results in improved vascular tissue elasticity, underlying muscle tone, and skin tightness. Post-natal KAATSU does not have to be - and should not be - vigorous, difficult or time-consuming for the mother. No specific workout exercises need to be done to see results. Simple movement with KAATSU Air Bands on that mothers normally do with their child is sufficient.
The alternative compression and decompression of the KAATSU Air Bands can be integrated into mother's normal lifestyle and schedule that effectively and efficiently produces results. KAATSU should not be seen as a workout, but simply a part of one's schedule, conveniently done 1-2 times per day.
The KAATSU Air Bands can be used as stand-alone tools to achieve the results that mothers want, but the KAATSU C3 or KAATSU B1 can also be used in combination with other fitness equipment (e.g., treadmills) or movements, from stretching and yoga to Pilates and different kinds of isometic exercises.
KAATSU even has a role in postpartum depression where insomnia and stress are encountered because KAATSU can help balance hormones and improve sleep.
And, of course, with mother and father trying to find a balance with their various responsibilities, spouses can effectively workout with a minimum of time.
Some questions that mothers may ask include:
Q1. Does use of KAATSU make a difference between a vaginal birth versus a Cesarean delivery (C-section)?
A1. Mothers who have had either type can benefit from KAATSU Cycle sets. The systemic effect of KAATSU is powerful for healing for recovery from stitches or small connective tissue tears. The hormonal response is also extremely valuable on many levels.
Q2. How does use of KAATSU impact the mother's milk supply?
A2. Very well.
Q3. How does use of KAATSU affect new varicose veins? Will KAATSU make it worse?
A3. With an increased vascular elasticity, KAATSU will help improve the appearance of the vascular veins.
Q4. How often should or can KAATSU be used?
A4. At least daily is good. Twice per day, using arms first and legs second during each daily KAATSU session, is optimal for most mothers.
Q5. How intense does KAATSU have to be to get results?
A5. KAATSU Cycles should be done gently, comfortably, and easily. There is no need to workout intensely or move vigorously while doing KAATSU Cycle sets during this post-natal period. Intensity and complexity of movement can increased over time (e.g., post 6-8 weeks of birth).
Q6. Will KAATSU lead to immediate results? How long can visible result take?
A6. KAATSU starts to immediately impact the vascular elasticity of your capillaries, veins and arteries. The frequency of usage will impact how soon results will start to be experienced and seen. But generally within a few weeks (e.g., 14-28 KAATSU sessions), aesthetic results will be visible.
He summarized recent research and explains that sarcopenia* is due to two major factors: muscle quality and neuromuscular innervation.
Because Dr. Attia understands that muscle mass and strength naturally decrease as humans age, and the loss of both muscle mass and muscle strength accelerates with more years on the planet, he advocates the importance of muscle strength as a determining factor for healthy longevity. He goes into some depth about the reasons here.
Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, the inventor of KAATSU, has also long understood these facts. But one of the reasons why the 73-year-old has dedicated his life to KAATSU is because he believes sarcopenia does not necessarily have to lead to such a dramatic decline in muscle mass and muscle strength. Both he and his lifelong users of KAATSU in Japan have proven this point.**
Dr. Sato uses both the KAATSU Cycle and the KAATSU Constant modes daily - and the results are apparent.
He uses the KAATSU Cycle mode in the Progressive setting - casually, periodically, and purposefully - throughout the day. Those points (casually, periodically, and purposefully) are critical to his long-term strategy and goals.
Casually refers to his use of the KAATSU Cycle mode while he is sitting or moving around in his office, either when he conducts or attends meetings or during his discussions with KAATSU Specialists or Instructors in Japan. "If I do not temporarily engorge the vascular tissue in my arms and legs throughout the day, I don't feel right. Because KAATSU is part of my lifestyle and I do it during the course of my day, it is a natural habitual act that is easy to do. I keep my KAATSU devices right next to where I work - or if I travel, I take the KAATSU C3 with me," he explains. "I have become accustomed to feeling 'piri piri' (slight tingling sensation in his fingertips when the capillaries of his hands because optimally engorged with blood."
Periodically refers to his daily use of the KAATSU Cycle mode during mornings, afternoons, and evenings. "Doing gentle KAATSU Cycle sets, either during or after sitting in meetings and throughout the day is critically important to maintain my maximum vascular elasticity and regular secretion of hormones. Additionally, my primary workout of the day is in the evening, after dinner and before bed, taking a bath, and doing a cold plunge. Because I do earlier KAATSU Cycle sessions during the day, then by the time I do my main workout at night, my vascular tissue is optimally prepared for a great workout."
Purposefully refers to his use of both the KAATSU Cycle and KAATSU Constant modes in the evening. He explains, "I work on all the various muscle groups - chest, shoulders, arms, legs - in a regular six-day cycle. For decades, I used to do a seven-day cycle - which is quite possible with KAATSU and either low resistance or no weights, but now in my 70's, I do my regular KAATSU workouts Monday through Saturday with some Sundays off. After every workout, I work on my core. I do my core work after I have taken off my KAATSU Air Bands because we know that the HGH secretion is maximized in that post-KAATSU 12-15minute period. So with the human growth hormone flowing, I like do core work."
In his recent article, Dr. Attia described the unavoidable change in the distribution of the type I slow twitch and type II fast twitch muscle fibers as we grow older. However, Dr. Sato understands the differences in muscle fibers, he does a wide variety of movements in addition to his standard 4-set KAATSU resistance exercises in his main evening workout. "With four sets of each exercise, I treat the first set as 'priming the pump'. I move fast in the first step, quickly pumping out reps. I do a lot of repetitions in this first set; it could be 50, 60 or as many as 70 reps. Then, with only 20 seconds rest, I start the second set where the number of reps falls significantly. Then, another 20-second rest - max - that means the number of reps in the third set significantly decreases again. I do another maximum of a 20-second rest, and then do the final set of four. By this time, the number of reps can be 1, 2, or 3 at most."
Steven Munatones has seen Dr. Sato workout and knows he works his entire range of muscle types in his workouts, "It is extremely impressive. He is obviously a very strong man, but he also sustains a very heart rate when he does exercises on the StairMaster for example. He really sprints, pumping his legs up and down almost unbelievably quickly. He also mixing in isometric movements of various sorts that are also very effective."
Dr. Sato does not waste time between each set - and he does not waste time between different exercises. He will only rest a maximum of 60 seconds. The results are enviable. Munatones explains, "Using the Masimo MightySat Finger Pulse Oximeter, I found Dr. Sato's resting heart rate to be low, as might be expected - and he takes no medication, but his nutrition is off the charts healthy. But what is most impressive to me are his oxygen saturation and respiratory rate. With the Masimo, Dr. Sato's SpO2 hovers between 99-100% and the number of breaths per minute that he normally takes always under 10, and usually at or under 8. With his cardiovascular system so finely tuned after five decades of KAATSU, his physiological data make sense. Since I first met him in 2001 until now, I have never seen him sick - and he talk or meet frequently, like 2-5 times per week."
In the article, Dr. Attia writes, "The more a muscle is used, the more neuromotor connections it develops, which leads to improved contractile strength."
This is a guess on the part of Munatones, "It is a safe assumption that Dr. Sato is 'working out' his cardiovascular, muscloskeletal, and lympathic systems at least 18 times per week. While it does not look like he is working out when he is sitting in a meeting doing KAATSU Cycle sets, his body and brain treat the engorgement and release of blood in his arm and leg vascular tissue are exercise at the cellular level. During this main workouts six days per week, he is either doing all-out, fast leg pumps on the StairMaster, isometric holds, 'priming the pump' with fast repetitions, and maxing out with his final set of 1 or 2 reps. He really mixes it up and uses his muscles in a vast number of ways.
Dr. Sato also works out mindfully. "I really think about each muscle when I work it out, I am focused and it helps," he explains. He also never cheats on his rest periods. He has a 20-second rest maximuz between sets and 60 seconds between different exercises. This KAATSU protocol is an outcome of his decades of self-experimentation and observation of innumerable KAATSU users in Japan.
He also taught me little things about maximizing the benefits of KAATSU - like drinking water with a high magnesium content in sips and not gulps, because the body can better absorb in smaller amounts throughout the day, instead of quelching a thirst with lots of water taken in a short time frame. He applies that same thought process to his meals. He always enjoys lots of variety, lots of color, and always seasonal foods: fermented and fresh, boiled and grilled depending on what it is."
Dr. Sato augments his KAATSU workouts with a nice, relaxing Japanese bath at the end of the evening, followed by 3 alternating hot-and-cold plunges. Even in his sauna, he has a specific method. "I do not sit upright in the sauna. I lie down flat so my entire body is equally affected by the same temperature."
As Dr. Attia advocates, "Keep exercising throughout life. It is unequivocally the very best weapon in our arsenal when it comes to fending off a deterioration in health and extending lifespan."
And that is what Dr. Sato has always done - and always encourages KAATSU users to do the same.
* Sarcopenia is defined as an age-related, involuntary loss of skeletal muscle mass and strength. Beginning as early as the fourth decade of life, evidence suggests that skeletal muscle mass and skeletal muscle strength decline in a linear fashion, with up to 50% of mass being lost by the eighth decade of life.
** Dr. Sato proved that building muscle can be achieved...even at the advanced age of 104 years:
Recovery from jet lag or travel fatigue can be addressed with repeated Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets.
Doing Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets during long-distance, multiple time zone travel has significant advantages for athletes.
Use any KAATSU model (e.g., KAATSU C3, KAATSU B1) to do Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets, always starting at the lowest pressure, and then subsequently increasing in higher SKU pressures.
The recommended protocols for optimal benefits whether in airplanes, trains, private vehicles, or buses, include:
> Be well hydrated before and during KAATSU Cycle sets. Begin before boarding airplane or going to the airport.
> Start off in lowest SKU pressure setting - gradually and slowly increase the pressure.
> Sit or relax comfortably while doing KAATSU Cycle sets.
> Gently and repeatedly do simple exercises or movements; no need to do vigorous or intense movements.
> Enjoy the view, watch movies, read books or talk with friends and family while enjoying KAATSU.
The history of KAATSU until 2010 is summarized in the above video that also explains how KAATSU can improve blood circulation, stimulate a significant hormonal response, and improve muscle tone.
These are some of the key historical dates regarding KAATSU development:
* 1996: The original KAATSU concept, principles, and modality were invented by Dr. Sato
* 1973: The KAATSU Cycle concept, principles, and modality were invented by Dr. Sato
* 1993: The first KAATSU patent application was filed by Dr. Sato
* 1995: KAATSU research at the University of Tokyo began in collaboration with Naokata Ishii, PhD
* 1997: The first KAATSU patent was issued in Japan
* 2000: The first KAATSU patent was issued in the United States
* 2000: The first scientific paper on KAATSU was published: Effects of resistance exercise combined with moderate vascular occlusion on muscular function in humans in the Journal of Applied Physiology 88: 2097-2016, 2000).
* 2001: KAATSU was first introduced outside of Japan (in Huntington Beach, California)
* 2004 - 2014: University of Tokyo Hospital, led by cardiologists Dr. Toshiaki Nakajima [shown below with Dr. Sato] and Dr. Toshihiro Morita, conducted research projects and a 10-year clinical study of over 12,000 individuals on KAATSU. The physicians studied, tested, researched and set the protocols at the 22nd Century Medical Center in the Department of Ischemic Circulatory Physiology, Kaatsu Training, University of Tokyo.
* 2014: KAATSU Global, Inc. was founded and set off to introduce KAATSU outside of Japan
Precisely controlled, narrow, elastic, stretchable, easy-to-use KAATSU Air Bands automatically and safely optimize blood circulation to improve muscle tone, strength, mobility, rehabilitation, and recovery based on specific sequences of compression and decompression of the pneumatic bands.
The primary differences between KAATSU and other BFR bands (e.g., B Strong, Delfi Portable Tourniquet System for Blood Flow Restriction, Smart Cuffs, and other BFR brands and low-cost occlusion bands) are as follows:
(1) KAATSU utilizes the patented Cycle function
(2) different pressures can be simultaneously used on different limbs, including the option of doing Single-Limb KAATSU
(3) KAATSU equipment and protocols were proven safe and effective after a decade of clinical use and research on over 7,000 cardiac rehab patients at the University of Tokyo Hospital (between 2004 and 2014)
(4) KAATSU is used by cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, and physicians in various specialties as well as physical therapists, chiropractors, trainers and coaches
(5) KAATSU Air Bands do not occlude arterial flow
(6) KAATSU is meant to be gentle and convenient in order to do anywhere anytime
(7) KAATSU is used worldwide by people up to the age of 104
(8) more research has been conducted in more countries on KAATSU than any other BFR device
(9) the seminal, groundbreaking research on BFR was conducted and published by KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in the 1990's
(10) KAATSU Air Bands are waterproof and the KAATSU C3 is ruggedized for military applications
The original patent on KAATSU bands and KAATSU training was submitted by Dr. Sato in November 1993: Patent No. 2670421 in Japan, Patent No. 6149618 in the USA, and 94206403.0 in the UK, Germany, France, and Italy. He concurrently manufactured and commercialized the first KAATSU Training bands.
The original patent (read here) describes "a tightening tool including an elastic body in the form of a belt, rope, tube, etc. for forming a tightening loop adapted to surround a desired part of muscles and tighten it, and locking means for holding the tightening loop at a desired size. A muscle training method for accelerating enlargement and strengthening of the muscles can be practiced by the tightening tool to temporarily block the flow of blood to the desired part of the muscle."
Dr. Yoshiaki Sato invented KAATSU in 1966, but it took him decades of further discovery and fine-tuning both the usage protocols and equipment before he met Professor Naokata Ishii of the University of Tokyo, a Japanese exercise physiologist.
Their work ultimately led to the first seminal paper on KAATSU called "Effects of resistance exercise combined with moderate vascular occlusion on muscular function in humans", published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2000.
The paper concluded, "Owning to its small mechanical stress and large effect in inducing muscular hypertrophy, the deliberate combinatino of low-intensity resistance exercise and moderate vascular occlusion is potentially useful for accelerating the recovery of muscular strength in patients and aged people."
The paper explained, "Among aged populations, weakening of muscles in the lower extremity gives rise to serious problems such as inability to stand up and lethal injuries associated with a fall. Postmenopausal older women are subjected to an additional risk of osteoporosis."
The first peer-review paper published in the Journal of Applied Physiology is the origin of the term BFR.
Dr. Sato and Professor Ishii knew that their findings would be difficult for the journal editors to accept as is because the word "KAATSU" was unknown in the research and sports world outside of Japan. After discussions with the journal editors, KAATSU was described in the literature as vascular occlusion - even though Dr. Sato and Professor Ishii wanted to steer away from the word occlusion.
They knew that there is no arterial limb occlusion of the brachial artery and brachial veins even at high pressures with the pneumatic KAATSU Air Bands.
The ultrasound image on left shows the brachial artery and brachial veins at 300 SKU (mmHg) of a 21-year-old collegiate athlete, but vascular occlusion and, ultimately, BFR or Blood Flow Restriction stuck and was further discussed and defined in the scientific literature.
Being away from home, at training camp, during the season, or in the playoffs, is a major part of a professional athlete.
KAATSU equipment can be used anywhere anytime - in a hotel, at the airport, in a bus, or on a train. KAATSU is useful to stay relaxed, and/or work on your strength, stamina, speed and fine motor skills while in a hotel room or other locations.
KAATSU users stayed pumped with KAATSU equipment while using everything from TRX straps hooked to their hotel door to water bottles substituting for dumbbells. You can do burpees, slow negative squats, isometric exercises, the classic KAATSU 3-Point Exercises [shown below], stretch, do shoulder rolls frontwards and backwards, and/or use resistance bands tied to a doorknob with your KAATSU Air Bands on your arms (utilizing the Progressive KAATSU Cycle mode) or while you have your KAATSU Air Bands on your legs while doing core work.
KAATSU Walking (or KAATSU Pacing in a hotel room) can provide the same effect as significantly longer (in duration and distance) runs or jogs. Place the KAATSU Air Bands on your legs and walk back and forth while stuck in your hotel room [see photo on left].
The KAATSU Air Bands on your upper legs will result in healthful systemic effects that are felt and seen throughout your body, including your core and upper body.
KAATSU is an ideal way to increase your vertical leap and explosive power.
KAATSU can be performed daily - even twice daily - to enable your body to catch a pass, block a field goal, pressure a quarterback, or evade a defender. Using the protocols below, explosiveness, acceleration, agility, and vertical leap can be improved.
> Do 1-3 Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets on your arms, starting at low pressure and building up to high pressure. These warm-up sets can be performed while doing something else (e.g., drills, relaxing between plays, strength training).
> Do 3-6 Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets on your legs, starting at low pressure and building up to high pressure. You can stretch, warm-up, walk, or begin jumping.
> Inflate to an optimal pressure and untether (remove) the KAATSU Air Bands from the KAATSU equipment. Start the KAATSU Constant mode, using a moderate to high pressure.
> Begin vertical leap drills with the KAATSU Air Bands in the KAATSU Constant mode.
> As you begin to tire and your vertical leap begins to decrease and your technique begins to deteriorate, remove the KAATSU Air Bands and rest, relax, and hydrate.
> Very importantly, the KAATSU vertical leap drill is not finished even if the KAATSU Air Bands from your legs are removed. A robust hormonal response (of HGH) continues for up to 15 minutes.
> After your rest, continue the vertical leap drills without the KAATSU Air Bands. Measure and compare to your lifetime best leaps.
KAATSU pioneered the emerging BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) market. Its products are unique, patented, and unlike other BFR products.
Primarily, KAATSU begins at homeostasis and only gradually, slightly, and gently increases pressure in order to optimize the patented and repeated compression and decompression of the limbs. This is well established as the most effective and efficient means to increase vascular elasticity and stimulate a robust hormonal response. The effect of this modality is to temporarily, gradually, and gently modify the venous flow. The effects were first published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2000 and have been well studied since.
In contrast, BFR products begin at full occlusion. BFR products are based on the concept of LOP (Limb Occlusion Pressure). From that point of full occlusion, a certain percentage of pressure is released and the cuffs and tourniquets are deflated so the athlete can proceed with either rehabilitation or their workout.
NFL trainers and players can use three different types of KAATSU equipment. Each have their own unique benefits and advantages:
Each model comes with the same type of KAATSU Air Bands. Each model uses the same protocols for athletic performance, rehabilitation, recovery, and general wellness.
KAATSU Air Bands
The KAATSU Air Bands come in four different sizes (small, medium, large, and extra large) for both the arms and legs. The bands are relatively narrow (compared to blood pressure cuffs), pneumatic, stretchable bands with a proprietary air bladder inside and are covered with neoprene. The bands are placed only around the upper arms or upper legs, no matter what part of the body is undergoing rehabilitation.
The KAATSU Air Bands are specifically described as bands - as opposed to cuffs or tourniquets. The KAATSU Air Bands have a uniquely shaped (oval) air bladder that inflates in one direction. The effect is only minimal compression of the veins of the arms and legs - and no impedence of the arterial flow.
In contrast, cuffs and tourniquets are specifically designed to occlude arterial flow and feel quite tight on the upper arms and legs.
The Bluetooth-enabled KAATSU B1 device is the latest model. The B1 operates via a smartphone and uses either an Android or iOS app.
The KAATSU B1 consists of two small KAATSU Wearable units for your arms and two KAATSU Wearable units for your legs.
KAATSU B1 app monitors the KAATSU Wearable units while capturing and archiving the usage data, and automatically inflates and deflates the band according to the KAATSU algorithms embedded in the Wearable chips. The apps are user-friendly and stores usage data in the cloud (i.e., KAATSU Performance database). The Wearable units are ultra-light, compact, and portable.
The app enables total customization of the Fixed, Progressive, and Regressive KAATSU Cycle modes. The app can customize the time under tension, time of decompression, and allow for different pressures to be applied to each limb simultaneously. This allows for optimal physiological gains.
The app and Wearable units power on, capture, monitor, and analyze all KAATSU usage data in the cloud.
The KAATSU B1, unlike other KAATSU equipment, does not require connector tubes. This allow players to have increased mobility to meet their performance, recovery, wellness, and rehabilitation needs. Similar to all KAATSU products, the B1 leads to an increase in vascular elasticity and generates additional metabolite nutrients, oxygen, and blood flow without occlusion of blood flow.
The B1 is versatile and can be safely utilized anywhere anytime - including in the rain, snow, mud, dust, and sand.
KAATSU protocols have been researched and tested by numerous universities, hospitals, cardiologists and scientists at the University of Tokyo Hospital, Jilin University, Osaka University, Harvard Medical School, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, and many others. Used in 49 countries, there have been millions of KAATSU sessions performed by elite athletes, special military forces, and people up to the age of 104 years.
KAATSU C3 is the third generation KAATSU Cycle device. It is the most widely used and most popular model.
The C3 is handheld, ultra-light, compact, and portable. It can be used anywhere - on the field, in the training facilities, in the gym, on the airplane, at home, or in the office.
Its portrait orientation enables it to be placed in a shirt or pants pocket during use.
The KAATSU Air Bands inflate and deflate in a patented sequence based on safe, optimal algorithms. The primary differences between KAATSU and the other BFR bands is:
> KAATSU utilizes the patented Cycle function (i.e., 30 seconds of inflation followed by 5 seconds of deflation with incrementally increasing pressure).
> Different pressures can be simultaneously used on different limbs - or the same pressure on both limbs.
> KAATSU equipment and protocols were proven safe and effective after a decade of clinical use and research on over 12,000 rehab patients at the University of Tokyo Hospital (between 2004 and 2014).
> KAATSU is used by cardiologists, orthopedic surgeons, podiatrists, and physicians in various specialties.
> KAATSU Air Bands do not occlude or impede arterial flow.
> KAATSU is gentle and convenient in order to do anywhere anytime. No use of Limb Occlusion Pressure because there is no arterial occlusion even at the highest possible pressure.
> KAATSU is sold in 49 countries (to date) for use by people up to the age of 104.
> More research has been conducted in more countries on KAATSU than any other BFR device.
> the seminal, groundbreaking research on BFR was conducted in the mid- to late 1990's and published by KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in 2000.
> KAATSU Air Bands are made of neoprene and are waterproof.
The KAATSU M3 is the third generation KAATSU Master model. It includes the most functionality of all the KAATSU equipment and is used in hospitals, clinics, and research institutes.
Its display shows the user's pulse rate, perfusion index, and Pleth variability index in real time while the KAATSU Air Bands are on the player's arms or legs. All usage data is stored in the cloud (at the KAATSU Performance database).
Based on the original KAATSU know-how and US patent #9,775,619 (Compression and decompression control system and vascular strengthening method), KAATSU products are protected by dozens of patents.
Many players sport tattoos on their body, visible and not when they wear their team uniforms.
KAATSU Cycle sets, when properly applied, has always been good for pre-surgery preparations and post-surgery recovery, especially with sutures on the skin [see here and below].
The KAATSU tattoo protocol is nicknamed the 'Carlson Protocol' after a heavily tattooed water polo coach. He first tested and now regularly uses KAATSU Cycle sets to minimize the inflammation and pain after inking a sleeve.
Like Carlson, many players have several tattoos and they understand very well the inflammation and pain that comes with getting a new tattoo.
Carlson Protocol
> Do 3 Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets on your arms followed by 4 progressive KAATSU Cycle sets on your legs before going to the tattoo parlor - or while at the tattoo parlor. Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets means you start with a set in the Low pressure setting, then progress to Medium and High pressure settings.
> Do 3 Progressive KAATSU Cycle sets (Low, Medium, High) after the inking session is over.
> An effective option is to do a light, moderate or heavy workout with KAATSU Air Bands in the KAATSU Cycle Low pressure setting using the limbs that were inked.
>> Players can do simple KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on their arms (i.e., Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) or on their legs (i.e., Standing Heel Raises + Quarter Squats + KAATSU Walking) as a light workout.
>> Players can use resistance bands using the KAATSU Cycle or KAATSU Constant mode for a moderate workout.
>> Players can lift light or moderate weights or run for a heavy workout.
>> All workouts should be completed using the KAATSU Cycle sets on Low; the frequent compression and decompression of the bands is important for engorgement in the limbs and the KAATSU effects to be experienced.
> Take off the bandages 1½+ hours after the new tattoo, wash with soap and water, and applied skin ointment.
Dave Carlson explained the phenomena, "There will be very little or no swelling. The skin - unlike getting tattoos without using KAATSU - will not be sensitive to the touch, and the skin under and near the tattoo is not swollen or inflamed. The area around the tattoo normally rises for a few days after I get it. But with the KAATSU Cycle protocol, there will be minimal swelling and little pain after removing the bandages.
In many cases, there will be no swelling. The puffiness and redness does not appear, without any inflammation or pain."
The photo on left was taken 6½ hours after the tattoo session. Carlson's arm is engorged in blood in the middle of the fourth KAATSU Cycle set. His first KAATSU Cycle set was done at the Low pressure setting; the second KAATSU Cycle set was done at the Medium level, and the third KAATSU Cycle set was done at High level. A fourth KAATSU Cycle set can be done at the maximum SKU, if desired.
KAATSU leads to a decrease in CRP, C-reactive protein which is a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. CRP levels increase in response to inflammation; this does not occur with use of the KAATSU Cycle mode. KAATSU also is the catalyst for production of EPC (endothelial progenitor cell) that help. EPC are cells that help regenerate the endothelial lining of your blood vessels.
Repeated KAATSU Cycle sets enhance the body's natural healing process, especially when the skin is cut, torn, broken or inked.