KAATSU blog posts testimonials, protocols, case studies, techniques and ideas about KAATSU for recovery, rehabilitation, functional mobility and athletic performance. Statements included in this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
For who? Runners For what? Recovery, strength, stamina
Following the postponement of The National Running Show London to 2021, the Digital Running Show will be held online on June 13th - 14th 2020 in partnership with Children with Cancer UK.
KAATSU Global will present its original BFR principles and how the KAATSU Cycle and KAATSU Constant modes are used by sprinters, hurdlers, middle-distance runners, distance runners, ultra-marathon runners, triathletes, extreme athletes and recreational runners for performance gains, rehabilitation purposes, and recovery from vigorous training sessions and competition.
For who? Runners, competitive athletes For what? Speed, strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, KAATSU At Home
Above are shown various KAATSU the original BFR exercises performed by 5-time Olympic medalist Justin Gatlin who did a KAATSU arm and leg workout with KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in Tokyo.
Retired Navy SEAL captain John Doolittle will lead 2 speed-focused KAATSU At Home workouts on Tuesday, April 7th.
The first workout is geared for aging Baby Boomers (i.e., those over 50 years old). This Zoom meeting will be at 10 am California time / 1 pm New York time / 6 pm GMT.
The second workout is geared for younger competitive athletes. This Zoom meeting will be at 3 pm California time / 6 pm New York time / 11 pm GMT.
• Mondays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts - Focus on Strength
• Tuesdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts - Focus on Speed
• Wednesdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts - Focus on Stamina
• Thursdays: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts - Focus on Flexibility
• Friday: KAATSU At Home Zoom Workouts - Focus on Core Strength & Balance
KAATSU At Home Workout #2 - Focus on Speed
• Stretch and drink an entire water bottle before the workout begins.
• Put on KAATSU Arm Bands snugly. Be able to put one finger between your arms and the bands, but not two fingers between your arms and the bands (this would be too loose).
Exercise #1:
• 3 sets of Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions
Set 1: 20 slow Hand Clenches + 10 very fast Hand Clenches. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: 20 slow Biceps Curls + 5 very fast Biceps Curls. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: 20 slow Triceps Extensions + 5 very fast Triceps Extensions. Rest 20 seconds.
Exercise #2:
• 3 sets of Mountain Climbers
Set 1: Medium-pace Mountain Climbers for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Fast-pace Mountain Climbers for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: All-out pace Mountain Climbers for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Exercise #3:
• 3 sets of Push-ups
Set 1: Medium-pace push-ups for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Fast-pace push-ups for 15 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: All-out pace push-ups for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Note: do a second round, if possible
Exercise #4:
• 3 sets of Burpees
Set 1: Medium-pace burpees for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Fast-pace burpees for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: All-out pace burpees for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Extra Exercise #5:
Stand in a shooting position. Shoot 5 times straight (without a ball). Shoot fast and hard. Rest and repeat 5 times.
Exercise #6: Take off KAATSU Arm Bands and hydrate during 3-minute rest. Then, put on KAATSU Leg Bands snugly. Be able to put one finger between your legs and the bands, but not two fingers between your arms and the bands (this would be too loose).
Exercise #7:
• 3 sets of Heel Raises + Standing Leg Curls + Non-lock Quarter Squats
Set 1: Do Heel Raises for 20 seconds. Then hold Heel Raise for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Do Standing Leg Curls for 20 seconds. Then hold Standing Leg Curl for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Do Non-lock Quarter Squats for 20 seconds. Then hold Quarter Squat for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Exercise #8:
• 3 sets of Box Jumps. Put a small box in front of you. Jump over it, turn around, jump back to the starting position.
Set 1: Do Box Jumps as fast as possible for 30 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Do Box Jumps as fast as possible for 20 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Do Box Jumps as fast as possible for 10 seconds. Rest 20 seconds.
Exercise #9:
• 3 sets of Burpees
Set 1: Medium-pace Burpees for 20 seconds. Then 5 fast, high Burpees. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Medium-pace Burpees for 20 seconds. Then 3 fast, high Burpees. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Medium-pace Burpees for 20 seconds. Then 1 fast, high Burpee. Rest 20 seconds.
Exercise #10:
• 3 sets of Jumping Rope (with or without the rope)
Set 1: Jump rope for 20 seconds. Then 5 fast lateral (side-to-side) jumps. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 2: Jump rope for 20 seconds. Then 3 fast lateral (side-to-side) jumps. Rest 20 seconds.
Set 3: Jump rope for 20 seconds. Then 3 fast lateral (side-to-side) jumps. Rest 20 seconds.
Extra Exercise #11:
• Go outside and run 5 x 20 meter sprints. Run 20 meters all-out. Walk 50 meters and repeat 4 more times.
Extra Exercise #12:
• Go outside and walk for 2 minutes, then jog for 30 seconds. Repeat 10 times.
Above are various KAATSU the original BFR exercises performed by 5-time Olympic medalist Justin Gatlin who did his KAATSU workout together with Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, the KAATSU inventor, at Dr. Sato's office in Tokyo.
Gatlin warmed up with the KAATSU Cycle, both on his arms and legs, while learning his appropriate Base SKU pressure and Optimal SKU training pressure.
Gatlin first wanted to work on his left leg because the timing and firing of his left leg was slower than his right leg. In this case, he first performed several KAATSU Cycles on his left leg only with his appropriate Base pressure of 30 SKU and found his Optimal SKU pressure.
He then untethered the KAATSU connector tubes and did a variety of normal leg exercises with the left KAATSU Air Band on his left leg. Both he and his coach were surprised and happy with the results after Dr. Sato removed the KAATSU Leg BBand.
Gatlin then explained that his arms need to move faster in order to improve. So KAATSU Arm Bands were placed on both arms and his Optimal SKU pressure was found using the standard KAATSU Cycle protocols.
After several KAATSU Cycles where he gradually increased the Optimal SKU pressure, Dr. Sato untethered Gatlin from the KAATSU equipment. Gatlin proceeded to do his standard arm exercises, both with and without the bands on.
His body started to produce Human Growth Hormone, nitric oxide, VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), and beta endorphins as his level of CRP (C-reactive protein) started to decrease. All these factors enabled Gatlin to feel better and move his legs and arms as he had hoped. Many athletes describe this sensation as "feeling lighter or smoother - and faster."
Additionally, if increased speed is desired or required, Gatlin and every other athlete can be directed to do several KAATSU Cycles at increasingly higher SKU pressures on the KAATSU Nano or KAATSU Master 2.0 as they do specific movements. Then they can untether the KAATSU Air Bands and do normal training exercises at race pace. "We focus on race pain as opposed to race pace," said Olympic swim coach Chris Morgan. "The athletes train at the speed in which they want to move in competition, but with the KAATSU Air Bands on their limbs, the amount of lactate that builds up in their limbs leads to discomfort - the very kind of discomfort they will feel in competition."
Coach Morgan prefers to focus his athletes on their 'race pain' rather than their race pace. "I want them to experience the discomfort that they will face in a competition. With the KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands on, they can almost always get to that feeling. Over time, this helps them improve significantly as they start to be able to engage a greater percentage of their muscle fibers and deliver more blood to the exercising muscle as well as flush out the lactic acid more efficiently."
Elite track club in Florida after their KAATSU workouts.