For what? Functional movement, strength, flexibility, mobility

She will lead the KAATSU At Home workouts starting at 3 pm California time / 6 pm New York time on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays this week. These KAATSU workouts are for both aging Baby Boomers and for Competitive Athletes (high school + collegiate + Olympian + professional + fitness + masters).
Kuzins is all about wellness and believes that helping people to feel their best is her life's purpose. Laurel creates a diverse range of workouts striving to make fitness fun and accessible for everybody no matter what stage of your health journey you are on.
A native of northern California and former water polo player, she received her Bachelor's Degree from University of California Santa Cruz.
Note: Kuzins will add optional active stretches in between some of the exercises. Modifications will be offered as well as 1-2 bonus exercises (3x with 30 seconds on + 20 seconds rest) and a Q&A session with KAATSU Master Specialists.
Monday, April 13th KAATSU At Home Workout
KAATSU Air Bands on Arms
- wrist curls 20 seconds - 2 sets
- tricep dips (on floor or chair) 3 sets - 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest
- forearm plank with shoulder extension 3 sets - 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest as follows
1. Slow motion
2. Moderate
3. Fast
- push ups 3 sets, 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest as follows:
1. Normal
2. Slow motion
3. Hold each one at the bottom for three seconds
KAATSU Air Bands on Legs
- "Jump rope" - 2 sets, 30 seconds each, as follows:
1. up and down
2. side to side
- Active Mobility Work - "world's greatest stretch" - 30 seconds/side
- Reverse Lunges 3 sets - 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest, per side as follows:
1. Normal
2. Normal + pulse at the bottom with hovered knee for 10 seconds
3. Optional forward kick + reach
- Heart rate boost (30 seconds each)
Jumping jacks
Ice skaters
Side kick with optional punch
- Cossack Squats - 3 sets - 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest as follows:
1. Normal
2. Hands behind head
3. (20 seconds normal) + isometric hold on each side for 10 seconds
- Heart rate boost (30 seconds each)
Jumping jacks
Ice skaters
Side kick with optional punch
- Spiderman pushups - 3 sets, 30 seconds on, 20 seconds rest, progress into them as follows:
1. Mountain climbers with knee to tricep
2. Spiderman pushups
3. Spiderman pushups (20 secs) with 10 seconds knee to tricep pulse and the end on each side
- Heart rate boost (30 seconds each)
Jumping jacks
Ice skaters
Side kick with optional punch
- Core Work 90 seconds straight through
1. ins and outs (30 seconds)
2. bicycles (30 seconds)
3. butts off the floor
Active Stretching - length depending on time
For more information on Laurel, visit her website at
To join the daily KAATSU At Home Zoom workouts, visit here (, Meeting ID 282-796-5029, Password 102833. Or call by dialing +1-253-215-8782 or +1-301-715-8592, Meeting ID 282-796-5029, Password 102833.
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