For what? Functional movement, strength, flexibility, mobility, KAATSU At Home

Laurel Kuzins is a highly popular and experienced yoga, Pilates, and GroupX instructor and Functional Mobility Specialist from Santa Monica, California.
She leads the daily KAATSU At Home workouts starting at 3 pm California time / 6 pm New York time Mondays through Fridays this week. These KAATSU workouts are for both aging Baby Boomers and for Competitive Athletes (high school + collegiate + Olympian + professional + fitness + masters).
Kuzins is all about wellness and believes that helping people to feel their best is her life's purpose. Laurel creates a diverse range of workouts striving to make fitness fun and accessible for everybody no matter what stage of your health journey you are on.
A native of northern California and former water polo player, she received her Bachelor's Degree from University of California Santa Cruz.
Note: Kuzins will add optional active stretches in between some of the exercises. Modifications are offered as well as 1-2 bonus exercises (3x with 30 seconds on + 20 seconds rest) and a Q&A session with KAATSU Master Specialists.
Friday, April 17th KAATSU At Home Workout
KAATSU Air Bands on Arms
Seated stretches + mobility work
Quadrupled palm to fingertip pushups
30 seconds slow
30 seconds fast
Tricep Extensions
30 seconds slow
30 seconds fast
Bicep Curls
30 seconds slow
30 seconds fast
Pike work
30-second plank to pike walk
30-second pike push-ups
1-minute forearm plank play
Heart rate boost
30-second heel touch to butt kicks
30-second sumo squat reaches
30-second overhead jack to jumping jack
KAATSU Air Bands on Legs
Split lunge calf work --> hamstring stretch
30 seconds/side x 2
Heart rate boost
30-second heel touch to butt kicks
30-second sumo squat reaches
30-second overhead jack to jumping jack
Front Lunge to lateral leg lift
30 seconds/side x 2
Criss-cross squat jumps
30 seconds moderate
30 seconds FAST
Half Burpee surfers
30 seconds
20 seconds
10 seconds
Core (30 seconds each, 2 minutes total)
Butterfly sit-up punches
Paused bicycle crunch
Double leg circles (to the right, then left)
Thursday, April 16th KAATSU At Home Workout
KAATSU Air Bands on arms
Mobility work
- wall or floor slides
- shoulder mobility with towel or broom
- cat/cow
- active spinal rotation
30 seconds/wrist - side to side movement
30 seconds/wrist- circles
Tricep extensions
30 seconds slow
30 seconds fast
Bicep curls
30 seconds slow
30 seconds fast
Forearm plank rotations
30 seconds normal
30 seconds + arm reach
30 seconds + leg lift
Plank walk out/in
30 seconds x 2
Lying down press up
30 seconds x 2
Heart rate boost
1 minute - happy feet --> jacks
KAATSU Air Bands on legs
Calf raise squats
30 seconds x 2
Lateral bear crawl
30 seconds normal
30 seconds + butt-to-heels
30 seconds + push-up
Heart rate boost
1 minute - happy feet --> jacks
Squat ups and downs
30 seconds right leg
30 seconds left leg
Plank jacks to frog jumps
30 seconds x 2
Lunge lower and lift
30 seconds x 2 Core Work
30 seconds Roll up to toe touch
30 seconds seated rotations
30 seconds reverse crunch
Wednesday, April 15th KAATSU At Home Workout
KAATSU Air Bands on arms
Neck mobility work
- 30 seconds forwards/backwards, 30 second side to side
Cherry pickers
- 30 seconds slow
- 30 seconds fast
Frontal rotations
- 30 seconds slow
- 30 seconds fast
Heart rate boost 30 seconds each
- reach and kick back
- inch worms
- cross jacks
Forearm plank press up (optional on knees)
- 30 seconds x 2 sets
Seated bicep curls with towel
- 30 seconds bent knee
- 30 seconds straight leg
Ups and downs (30 seconds each)
- Moderate pace
Prone work (30 seconds each)
- supermans
- shoulder extension to pull down
- "wings"
Heart rate boost 30 seconds each
- reach and kick back
- inch worms
- cross jacks
KAATSU Air Bands on legs
Single leg calf raises with pulse at end
- 30 seconds Left leg
- 30 seconds Right leg
Pendulum Lunges (30 seconds/side x4)
- Set 1&2 hands on hips
- optional 3&4 hands behind head
Heart rate boost 30 seconds each
- reach and kick back
- inch worms
- cross jacks
Squat to alternate lateral step (30 second/side x4)
- Set 1&2 hands together
- optional 3&4 hands behind head
Mountain Climbers (30 seconds x3)
- Slow
- Moderate
Bridge Work (30 seconds/side x4)
- Single leg lower to pulse up
CORE (30 seconds each)
- roll up single leg knee in
- rolling like a ball
- hollow body hold x 2
• Stretching
To join the daily KAATSU At Home Zoom workouts, visit here (, Meeting ID 282-796-5029, Password 102833. Or call by dialing +1-253-215-8782 or +1-301-715-8592, Meeting ID 282-796-5029, Password 102833.
Copyright © 2014 - 2020 by KAATSU the Original BFR
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