For what? Fitness, wellness, strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, balance

He lived up to his personal motto, "Whoever wants to go to the source, must swim against the current", when he went to great lengths to learn about KAATSU and visit Tokyo to meet the inventor of KAATSU, Dr. Yoshiaki Sato.
After his mentorship under Dr. Sato, Heiduk returned to Germany and founded KAATSU Germany. As he gained more experience with a wide variety of competitive athletes and people from all walks of life, he wrote the authoritative book, KAATSU - The Pressure Training From Japan: New Perspectives in sport, therapy and health promotion.
Heiduk wrote the book in both German and English to teach coaches, athletes, physiotherapists, doctors, scientists and students who would like to gain a deep insight into the original KAATSU protocols directly from the KAATSU inventor.
Heiduk addresses the principles and potential of KAATSU for use not only in athletics and physical therapy, but also for older individuals and corporate health management.
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