Thursday, February 4, 2021

KAATSU Fitness: Feeling Strong And Having Fun

For who? Working adults
For what? Fitness, wellness, stress relief, recovery

When BFR (Blood Flow Restriction) is viewed online, the images show many very fit, very strong, rather young people looking ripped. But a vast majority of KAATSU users are older people, including a majority of aging Baby Boomers who are not necessarily ripped, but interested in becoming more fit and reducing the pains and discomfort of their joints, back, neck and hips.

So while High Intensity Interval Training and resistance training (weightlifting) can be done with KAATSU equipment, it is much more highly recommended to simply move.

KAATSU Fitness spans all kinds of outdoor activities:
* Walk on the beach
* walk with your dog
* have fun with your friends
* do yoga
* fly a kite
* wash your car

With KAATSU Air Bands on in the KAATSU Cycle mode, a simple activity like walking or playing around will generate the metabolic equivalent of a moderate or higher intensity workout.

The easy to moderate movements with KAATSU equipment in the KAATSU Cycle mode will help overall fitness while being convenient to use and much more sustainable over a lifetime instead of intermittedly doing high intensity periods of training - and then quitting over time.

Copyright © 2014 - 2021 by KAATSU Global


  1. It would be helpful if the metabolic differences between KAATSU and the Tabata high Intensity interval training were discussed. Perhaps if the KAATSU sales people were to tell us the truth and there is no difference, they would not be able to sell their expensive equipment. A Profit motive often causes truth to be silenced and one must always be wary if a "Free Tabata" exercise session could be as effective as a KAATSU session from a metabolic point of view..

  2. There are many metabolic differences between KAATSU and the Tabata High Intensity interval training, especially if/when an individual is injured, wounded, paraplegic, an amputee, leads a sedentary lifestyle, or simply does not want to do high intensity interval training because they are older or do not want to perspire. Please feel free to do Tabata as you wish. As the article mentions above, there are many aging Baby Boomers who are interested in becoming more fit and reducing the pains and discomfort of their joints, back, neck and hips - and simply do not do or want to do high intensity training.
