For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
"Your legs are stronger than life..." said New York Mets outfielder Yoenis Cespedes after a KAATSU leg workout with former Stanford University athletic great and current ESPN sports broadcaster Jessica Mendoza.
Mendoza tried KAATSU training with Cespedes and Mike Barwis, a certified KAATSU Specialist and an early adopter of KAATSU, at the Barwis Methods Training Center in Port St Lucie, Florida in 2017.
Please note that heavy weights with KAATSU is not part of the standard KAATSU protocols.
Copyright © 2017 by ESPN
KAATSU blog posts testimonials, protocols, case studies, techniques and ideas about KAATSU for recovery, rehabilitation, functional mobility and athletic performance. Statements included in this blog have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Thursday, May 10, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 8
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder, has had 3 hip surgeries, and has long used a cane to help him limp along. After 8 KAATSU sessions, he can now pass and shoot a basketball - and open a Gatorade bottle - which he could not do before.
Tap warmed up for his basketball moves with some KAATSU Cycles on his upper body (30 SKU Base Pressure + 290 SKU Optimal Pressure) and some KAATSU Walking with 35 SKU Base Pressure + 320 SKU Optimal Pressure on his legs.
For his full progression over these last 3 weeks, visit here. For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
To see where he is on Day 17 (June 20th), Tap went out to a local basketball court to demonstrate his newly found strength and mobility:
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Saturday, April 28, 2018
KAATSU Ankle Sprain Protocol
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

When young athletes or older individuals sprain their ankle, whether they are a high school varsity player or an aging Baby Boomer, an NBA athlete or a military veteran, the standard KAATSU Ankle Sprain protocol is as follows:
1. Do KAATSU Cycle twice a day (e.g., mid-morning and late afternoon) on the injured leg for optimal (fastest) results.
2. Start off with the first KAATSU Cycle (running a total of 3 minutes 20 seconds) at a low (conservative) Base SKU and Optimal SKU pressures (e.g., 20 SKU and 200 SKU respectively on the KAATSU Nano*).
3. Continue with a second KAATSU Cycle at a higher Base SKU** and higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 25 SKU and 250 SKU).
4. Continue with a third KAATSU Cycle at a higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 300 SKU).
5. Continue with a fourth KAATSU Cycle at a higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 350 SKU) if the individual remains comfortable and the Capillary Refill Time (CRT) remains under 3 seconds.
6. Continue with a fifth KAATSU Cycle at a higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 400 SKU) if the individual remains comfortable and the CRT remains under 3 seconds.
7. Finish off the KAATSU session by doing the KAATSU Cycle also on the other three healthy limbs, if time permits.
8. As the individual improves and recovers, continue the KAATSU Cycle on a weekly basis for maintenance and other benefits.
Additional recommendations:
1. The individual should be well-hydrated before and during KAATSU for maximum benefit.
2. The individual should sit comfortably while doing the KAATSU Cycle. Alternatively, they can repeatedly contract and relax their quadriceps during the KAATSU Cycle on the 2nd - 5th KAATSU Cycles.
3. Frequently check their CRT as the Optimal SKU increases on the 2nd to 5th KAATSU Cycles by firmly pressing a thumb in their quadriceps above the patella (or down by the ankles if they are wearing longer pants).
4. The goal is to first warm-up the small capillaries in the lower leg with the lower Base SKU and lower Optimal SKU levels and then engorge the capillaries in the leg with blood (“pooling”) with increasingly higher pressures while doing slight movement.**
5. KAATSU can be done in combination with any other physical therapy treatments.
6. Ideally, the KAATSU Air Band should first be placed only on the injured limb. Then the individual can continue KAATSU on both legs and also subsequently on their arms (e.g., by doing the KAATSU 3-Point Exercises***).
* If you use the KAATSU Master, these same pressure levels would be a Base SKU of 40 and an Optimal SKU of 200. This is because the air compressors are larger on the KAATSU Master. Of course, use lower pressures as dictated by the individual’s physiological responses and conditions.
** When you change the Base SKU from a lower pressure to a higher pressure, you must manually re-adjust the KAATSU Air Bands on the limb.
*** The KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on the arms include a set of Hand Clenches + a set of Biceps Curls + a set of Triceps Extensions. The KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on the legs include a set of Heel Raises + a set of Leg Curls + a set of Non-lock Quarter Squats (note: in the case of non-ankle sprains).
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

When young athletes or older individuals sprain their ankle, whether they are a high school varsity player or an aging Baby Boomer, an NBA athlete or a military veteran, the standard KAATSU Ankle Sprain protocol is as follows:
1. Do KAATSU Cycle twice a day (e.g., mid-morning and late afternoon) on the injured leg for optimal (fastest) results.
2. Start off with the first KAATSU Cycle (running a total of 3 minutes 20 seconds) at a low (conservative) Base SKU and Optimal SKU pressures (e.g., 20 SKU and 200 SKU respectively on the KAATSU Nano*).
3. Continue with a second KAATSU Cycle at a higher Base SKU** and higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 25 SKU and 250 SKU).
4. Continue with a third KAATSU Cycle at a higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 300 SKU).
5. Continue with a fourth KAATSU Cycle at a higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 350 SKU) if the individual remains comfortable and the Capillary Refill Time (CRT) remains under 3 seconds.
6. Continue with a fifth KAATSU Cycle at a higher Optimal SKU (e.g., 400 SKU) if the individual remains comfortable and the CRT remains under 3 seconds.
7. Finish off the KAATSU session by doing the KAATSU Cycle also on the other three healthy limbs, if time permits.
8. As the individual improves and recovers, continue the KAATSU Cycle on a weekly basis for maintenance and other benefits.
Additional recommendations:
1. The individual should be well-hydrated before and during KAATSU for maximum benefit.
2. The individual should sit comfortably while doing the KAATSU Cycle. Alternatively, they can repeatedly contract and relax their quadriceps during the KAATSU Cycle on the 2nd - 5th KAATSU Cycles.
3. Frequently check their CRT as the Optimal SKU increases on the 2nd to 5th KAATSU Cycles by firmly pressing a thumb in their quadriceps above the patella (or down by the ankles if they are wearing longer pants).
4. The goal is to first warm-up the small capillaries in the lower leg with the lower Base SKU and lower Optimal SKU levels and then engorge the capillaries in the leg with blood (“pooling”) with increasingly higher pressures while doing slight movement.**
5. KAATSU can be done in combination with any other physical therapy treatments.
6. Ideally, the KAATSU Air Band should first be placed only on the injured limb. Then the individual can continue KAATSU on both legs and also subsequently on their arms (e.g., by doing the KAATSU 3-Point Exercises***).
* If you use the KAATSU Master, these same pressure levels would be a Base SKU of 40 and an Optimal SKU of 200. This is because the air compressors are larger on the KAATSU Master. Of course, use lower pressures as dictated by the individual’s physiological responses and conditions.
** When you change the Base SKU from a lower pressure to a higher pressure, you must manually re-adjust the KAATSU Air Bands on the limb.
*** The KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on the arms include a set of Hand Clenches + a set of Biceps Curls + a set of Triceps Extensions. The KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on the legs include a set of Heel Raises + a set of Leg Curls + a set of Non-lock Quarter Squats (note: in the case of non-ankle sprains).
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Introducing The Next-Generation KAATSU Master 2.0
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
The new KAATSU Master 2.0 is a fourth-generation KAATSU device that enables real-time monitoring and archiving of user's physiological data. The device is ideal for use by corporations, organizations, clinics, hospitals, teams or large groups.
The next-generation KAATSU Master 2.0 is combined with the Masimo MightySat™ Finger Pulse Oximeter and a wrist blood pressure monitor that can capture and archive your oxygen saturation, pulse rate, perfusion index, Pleth variability index and blood pressure readings in real-time.
* Designed for performance, recovery, rehabilitation and wellness applications, the touch-screen tablet offers personalized and comprehensive KAATSU Cycle options.
* Dual air compressors are driven by separate algorithms so each limb can be simultaneously inflated to different optimally safe pressures.
* The Bluetooth-enabled tablet-based form factor offers automatic storage of user data in the KAATSU Cloud.
* Depending on the particular KAATSU protocols, benefits can include effective muscle toning, improved circulation, faster recovery from competition or vigorous workouts, anti-aging benefits, improved speed, enhanced stamina, increased strength, greater range of motion, significant time savings, convenience (exercise anywhere anytime), offers 6 levels of KAATSU Cycle.
* Features includes monitoring and archiving real-time physiological data, standard KAATSU Cycle options for all ages and abilities, customizable KAATSU Cycle options for athletic performance, recovery and rehabilitation, video feedback and interaction with KAATSU Master Specialists for real-time consultation, access to KAATSU Cloud where user information is automatically uploaded and archived in the KAATSU database, precise, simultaneous and separate control of pressure on each limb, access to the KAATSU Performance Database that archives your data and can offer comparisons to other users, used with both the KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands, band pressure up to 500 SKU (Standard KAATSU Units), and is reimbursable with CPT codes.
Sample customers include physical therapy offices, chiropractors, university athletic departments and training rooms, retirement communities, competitive sports teams, individuals and corporations.
The KAATSU Master 2.0 comes with 4 sets of KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands (Small, Medium, Large or Extra Large). Your own physiological data can be inputted, automatically uploaded and archived to the KAATSU Performance Database (
Data Monitoring
An optional Masimo MightySat™ Fingertip Pulse Oximeter and a Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor measures and monitors the following data during exercise or rehabilitation:
* Pulse Rate (PR) or the number of heart pulses per minute indicates your overall fitness and exertion levels
* Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) or the oxygen level in the blood indicates changes due to your heart or lung function, oxygen use by your body, and altitude
* Perfusion Index (PI) indicates the strength of blood flow to the finger as blood circulation changes
* Respiration Rate (RRp) or the number of breaths per minute indicates how well your heart and lungs are functioning and how quickly you recover from exercise
* Pleth Variability Index (PVi) or the variation in perfusion index over your breathing cycle which may indicate changes in hydration, breathing effort, perfusion or other factors
* Blood Pressure (BP) indicates your systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure
The KAATSU Master 2.0 measures and archives additional information such as:
* KAATSU Time (KT) or the amount of time spent doing KAATSU per session
* Capillary Refill Time (CRT) or the amount of time in seconds that it takes for your capillaries to refill with blood
* KAATSU Exercise (KE) or the type of exercise, movement or rehabilitation you do with KAATSU
* KAATSU Cycle Function (KCf) or the specific type of KAATSU Cycle (e.g., Cycle 20 or Customized Cycle)
Band Sizes
KAATSU Air Bands are available in 4 sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Measure the circumference of the top of your arm (right by your armpit) and the circumference of the top of your leg (right alongside your groin). Those circumferences will determine the appropriate size for your KAATSU Air Bands.
Small: less than 18 km (7.06 inches)
Medium: 18 - 28 cm (7.06 - 11.02 inches)
Large: 28 - 38 cm (11.02 - 14.96 inches)
Extra Large: 38 - 48 cm (14.96 - 18.89 inches)
Small: less than 40 cm (15.74 inches)
Medium: 40 - 50 cm (15.74 - 19.68 inches)
Large: 50 - 60 cm (19.68 - 23.62 inches)
Extra Large: 60 - 70 cm (23.62 - 27.55 inches)
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
The new KAATSU Master 2.0 is a fourth-generation KAATSU device that enables real-time monitoring and archiving of user's physiological data. The device is ideal for use by corporations, organizations, clinics, hospitals, teams or large groups.
The next-generation KAATSU Master 2.0 is combined with the Masimo MightySat™ Finger Pulse Oximeter and a wrist blood pressure monitor that can capture and archive your oxygen saturation, pulse rate, perfusion index, Pleth variability index and blood pressure readings in real-time.
* Designed for performance, recovery, rehabilitation and wellness applications, the touch-screen tablet offers personalized and comprehensive KAATSU Cycle options.
* Dual air compressors are driven by separate algorithms so each limb can be simultaneously inflated to different optimally safe pressures.
* The Bluetooth-enabled tablet-based form factor offers automatic storage of user data in the KAATSU Cloud.
* Depending on the particular KAATSU protocols, benefits can include effective muscle toning, improved circulation, faster recovery from competition or vigorous workouts, anti-aging benefits, improved speed, enhanced stamina, increased strength, greater range of motion, significant time savings, convenience (exercise anywhere anytime), offers 6 levels of KAATSU Cycle.
* Features includes monitoring and archiving real-time physiological data, standard KAATSU Cycle options for all ages and abilities, customizable KAATSU Cycle options for athletic performance, recovery and rehabilitation, video feedback and interaction with KAATSU Master Specialists for real-time consultation, access to KAATSU Cloud where user information is automatically uploaded and archived in the KAATSU database, precise, simultaneous and separate control of pressure on each limb, access to the KAATSU Performance Database that archives your data and can offer comparisons to other users, used with both the KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands, band pressure up to 500 SKU (Standard KAATSU Units), and is reimbursable with CPT codes.
Sample customers include physical therapy offices, chiropractors, university athletic departments and training rooms, retirement communities, competitive sports teams, individuals and corporations.
The KAATSU Master 2.0 comes with 4 sets of KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands (Small, Medium, Large or Extra Large). Your own physiological data can be inputted, automatically uploaded and archived to the KAATSU Performance Database (
Data Monitoring
An optional Masimo MightySat™ Fingertip Pulse Oximeter and a Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor measures and monitors the following data during exercise or rehabilitation:
* Pulse Rate (PR) or the number of heart pulses per minute indicates your overall fitness and exertion levels
* Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) or the oxygen level in the blood indicates changes due to your heart or lung function, oxygen use by your body, and altitude
* Perfusion Index (PI) indicates the strength of blood flow to the finger as blood circulation changes
* Respiration Rate (RRp) or the number of breaths per minute indicates how well your heart and lungs are functioning and how quickly you recover from exercise
* Pleth Variability Index (PVi) or the variation in perfusion index over your breathing cycle which may indicate changes in hydration, breathing effort, perfusion or other factors
* Blood Pressure (BP) indicates your systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure
The KAATSU Master 2.0 measures and archives additional information such as:
* KAATSU Time (KT) or the amount of time spent doing KAATSU per session
* Capillary Refill Time (CRT) or the amount of time in seconds that it takes for your capillaries to refill with blood
* KAATSU Exercise (KE) or the type of exercise, movement or rehabilitation you do with KAATSU
* KAATSU Cycle Function (KCf) or the specific type of KAATSU Cycle (e.g., Cycle 20 or Customized Cycle)
Band Sizes
KAATSU Air Bands are available in 4 sizes: Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large. Measure the circumference of the top of your arm (right by your armpit) and the circumference of the top of your leg (right alongside your groin). Those circumferences will determine the appropriate size for your KAATSU Air Bands.
Small: less than 18 km (7.06 inches)
Medium: 18 - 28 cm (7.06 - 11.02 inches)
Large: 28 - 38 cm (11.02 - 14.96 inches)
Extra Large: 38 - 48 cm (14.96 - 18.89 inches)
Small: less than 40 cm (15.74 inches)
Medium: 40 - 50 cm (15.74 - 19.68 inches)
Large: 50 - 60 cm (19.68 - 23.62 inches)
Extra Large: 60 - 70 cm (23.62 - 27.55 inches)
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 7
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder, has had 3 hip surgeries, and has long used a cane to help him limp along. After 7 short KAATSU sessions, he can now pass and shoot a basketball - and open a Gatorade bottle - which he could not do before.
Tap also could not previously pick up his keys from the floor, but things changed after 7 KAATSU sessions of 20 minutes each. His Base SKU pressure is 35 SKU on both his arms and legs. His Optimal SKU pressure is now 290 SKU on his arms and 320 SKU on his legs.
For his full progression over these last two weeks, visit here.
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
KAATSU Aqua Exercises
For who? swimmers, Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
For competitive swimmers for are working on leg, core and upper body strength, as well as for aging Baby Boomers who are undergoing aqua therapy.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
For competitive swimmers for are working on leg, core and upper body strength, as well as for aging Baby Boomers who are undergoing aqua therapy.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
“Our goal is to awaken human potential by sharing precise effective tools and methods to maximize the health, happiness and performance of people who want to realize their potential," explains David Weinstein of LIFEFORCE IQ and OASIS in Boca Raton, Florida.
Weinstein was an investment banker for 35 years, specializing in biotechnology and medical companies. With that background and knowledge, combined with his lifelong interest in athletics and anti-aging, he and his wife Leidy are offering their lifestyle design via LIFEFORCE IQ.
"We continuously monitor scientific advances and are quick to adjust products and protocols to assist our clients in optimizing their lifestyles."
In addition to KAATSU equipment including the new 2.0 and KAATSU Aqua, the Weinstein's offer Juvent Health Micro-Impact Platform, LiveO2, Viome, Tower Garden, and One Truth 818.
For more information, visit here.
For additional examples of how people of all ages have improved themselves, visit here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
“Our goal is to awaken human potential by sharing precise effective tools and methods to maximize the health, happiness and performance of people who want to realize their potential," explains David Weinstein of LIFEFORCE IQ and OASIS in Boca Raton, Florida.
Weinstein was an investment banker for 35 years, specializing in biotechnology and medical companies. With that background and knowledge, combined with his lifelong interest in athletics and anti-aging, he and his wife Leidy are offering their lifestyle design via LIFEFORCE IQ.
"We continuously monitor scientific advances and are quick to adjust products and protocols to assist our clients in optimizing their lifestyles."
In addition to KAATSU equipment including the new 2.0 and KAATSU Aqua, the Weinstein's offer Juvent Health Micro-Impact Platform, LiveO2, Viome, Tower Garden, and One Truth 818.
For more information, visit here.
For additional examples of how people of all ages have improved themselves, visit here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Thursday, April 19, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 6
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder that has restricted his range of motion and eliminated his ability to shoot basketballs. He also used a cane to help him limp along since he had two hip replacements and one revision on his left leg and torn his Achilles heel.
He talks about the effects of KAATSU on his lower and upper body after today's KAATSU session.
He did his first 15-minute session of KAATSU on April 9th, a second 15-minute session on April 11th, a third 15-minute session on April 12th, a fourth 20-minute session on April 17th, a fifth session on April 18th, and a sixth session on April 19th 2018.
He did 5 KAATSU Cycles (totaling 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 280 SKU on his arms. He added two KAATSU Cycles on his legs of 35 Base SKU and 320 Optimal SKU on his legs: during the first Cycle, he did heel raises; during the second Cycle, he did Standing Leg Curls while he held onto the back of a chair for balance.
During the KAATSU Cycles on his arms, he did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off. He used squeeze balls during the Hand Clenches and simply contracted or stretched his muscles during the remaining KAATSU Cycles.
When the KAATSU Air Bands were on his legs during the first KAATSU Cycle, he sat and did Heel Raises. During the second KAATSU Cycle, he focused on standing on one leg while bringing his heel to his buttocks on his other leg. He did 4 repetitions with this left leg and then 4 repetitions on his right leg as he commented that he really felt his legs being worked on for the first time in years.
His improved range of motion of his left shoulder is markedly significant from Day One and he no longer uses his cane to walk. He explains his effects above.
For his full progression over these last two weeks, visit here.
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 5
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder that has restricted his range of motion and eliminated his ability to shoot basketballs. He also used a cane to help him limp along since he had two hip replacements and one revision on his left leg and torn his Achilles heel.
He talks about the effects of KAATSU after today's KAATSU session as well as his no further need for his walking cane.
He did his first 15-minute session of KAATSU on April 9th, a second 15-minute session on April 11th, a third 15-minute session on April 12th, a fourth 20-minute session on April 17th, and a fifth session on April 18th 2018.
He did 5 KAATSU Cycles (totaling 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 280 SKU on his arms. He added two KAATSU Cycles on his legs of 35 Base SKU and 320 Optimal SKU on his legs: during the first Cycle, he did heel raises; during the second Cycle, he walked for 3 minutes with the KAATSU Air Bands on his legs.
During the KAATSU Cycles on his arms, he did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off. He used squeeze balls during the Hand Clenches and simply contracted or stretched his muscles during the remaining KAATSU Cycles.
When the KAATSU Air Bands were on his legs during the first KAATSU Cycle, he sat and did Heel Raises. During the second KAATSU Cycle, he walked slowly around the room with the KAATSU Air Bands on his upper legs.
His improved range of motion of his left shoulder is markedly significant from Day One and he no longer uses his cane to walk. He explains his effects below:
For his full progression over two weeks, visit here.
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 4
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder that has restricted his range of motion and eliminated his ability to shoot basketballs. He talks about the effects of KAATSU after today's KAATSU session.
He did his first 15-minute session of KAATSU on April 9th, a second 15-minute session on April 11th, a third 20-minute session on April 12th, and a fourth 20-minute session on April 17th 2018.
He did 5 KAATSU Cycles (totaling 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 260 SKU on his arms. He added two KAATSU Cycles on his legs of 35 Base SKU and 320 Optimal SKU on his legs.
During the KAATSU Cycles on his arms, he did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off. He used 2 lb dumbbells to do Biceps Curls during one of the KAATSU Cycles.
When the KAATSU Air Bands were on his legs during the first KAATSU Cycle, he just sat. During the second KAATSU Cycle, he did leg extensions on his left leg while sitting and contracting his quadriceps.
His improved range of motion of his left shoulder is markedly significant from Day One [see here].
The strategy for Tap is to do 6 sessions within the first two weeks, focusing on his left arm. The subsequent 2-week period will focus on his left leg where he had two hip surgeries. The final 2-week period will focus on his mobile agility and shooting ability on a basketball court. This is his goal: move fluidly without a limp and shoot basketballs.
For his full progression over two weeks, visit here.
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Thursday, April 12, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 3
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder that has restricted his range of motion and eliminated his ability to shoot basketballs.
After his first session on April 9th 2018, he followed up with his second KAATSU session on April 11th, and his third session on April 12th 2018.
He did 5 KAATSU Cycles (totaling 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 250 SKU on his arms. He added two KAATSU Cycles on his legs of 35 Base SKU and 300 Optimal SKU on his legs.
During the KAATSU Cycles on his arms, he did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off.
When the KAATSU Air Bands were on his legs doing the KAATSU Cycle, he did leg extensions while sitting and contracting his quadriceps.
His improved range of motion of his left shoulder is significant from Day One. For his full progression over two weeks, visit here.
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Day 2
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former basketball player, hurt his left shoulder that restricted his range of motion and eliminated his ability to shoot basketballs.
After his first session on April 9th 2018, he followed up with his second KAATSU session on April 11th.
He explains his injury to his left shoulder before doing 5 KAATSU Cycles (15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 250 SKU. During the KAATSU Cycles, did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off.
His improved range of motion is significant from Day One. For his full progression over two weeks, visit here.
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
74-year-old Tap Nixon On KAATSU, Days 1-17
74-year-old Tap Nixon, a former Long Beach State basketball player who played guard on its #2 ranked team in the early 1970s, hurt his shoulder that restricted his range of motion and eliminated his ability to shoot basketballs. He also uses a cane to help him limp along since he had two hip replacements and one revision on his left leg and torn his Achilles heel.
He did his first session of KAATSU on April 9th 2018.
He explains his injury and restricted range of motion on his left shoulder before trying KAATSU.
Tap Nixon started by doing two KAATSU Cycles while sitting down to warm-up with a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 250 SKU. Then he did slow and steady standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (i.e., Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while doing 5 KAATSU Cycles (taking 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands while doing two more KAATSU Cycles.
Tap stretches his injured left shoulder on his fifth and last KAATSU Cycles, finishing up his 15-minute session on the KAATSU Master using pink KAATSU Air Bands. He kept a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and his Optimal Pressure at 250 SKU.
Tap demonstrates his improved range of motion on his left shoulder after doing 15 minutes of KAATSU Cycles.
Day 1 is completed, he felt much better and will continue doing KAATSU every other day. We will continue to follow his progress.
Nixon wants to re-gain his ability to shoot and rebound basketballs. He did his second session of KAATSU on April 11th 2018.
He explains his injury to his left shoulder before doing 5 KAATSU Cycles (15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 250 SKU. During the KAATSU Cycles, did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off.
His improved range of motion is significant from Day One [see above].
Tap followed up with a third KAATSU session on April 12th 2018.
He did 5 KAATSU Cycles (totaling 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 250 SKU on his arms. He added two KAATSU Cycles on his legs of 35 Base SKU and 300 Optimal SKU on his legs.
During the KAATSU Cycles on his arms, he did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off.
When the KAATSU Air Bands were on his legs doing the KAATSU Cycle, he did leg extensions while sitting and contracting his quadriceps. KAATSU Specialist Steven Munatones explained to Tap, "We began conservatively and are only doing the KAATSU Cycle during the first two weeks. We will do only simple exercises and stretching with the KAATSU Cycle. After two weeks, we will untether the bands and your Base SKU and Optimal SKU levels will increase. Then we will begin doing KAATSU Performance Training where the bands are untethered - disconnected - but they still remain inflated at your Optimal SKU pressure. Then we will begin to do chest passes, take free throws and do agility drills on the basketball court with the inflated bands on."
His improved range of motion of his left shoulder is significant from Day One.
Tap did his fourth 20-minute session on April 17th 2018.
He did 5 KAATSU Cycles (totaling 15 minutes) on the KAATSU Master device using KAATSU Air Bands at a Base SKU pressure of 30 SKU and an Optimal Pressure of 260 SKU on his arms. He added two KAATSU Cycles on his legs of 35 Base SKU and 320 Optimal SKU on his legs.
During the KAATSU Cycles on his arms, he did the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (Hand Clenches + Biceps Curls + Triceps Extensions) while the pressure was on and he rested while the pressure was off. He used 2 lb dumbbells to do Biceps Curls during one of the KAATSU Cycles.
When the KAATSU Air Bands were on his legs during the first KAATSU Cycle, he just sat. During the second KAATSU Cycle, he did leg extensions on his left leg while sitting and contracting his quadriceps.
The overall plan for Tap is to do 6 sessions within the first two weeks, focusing on his left arm and starting to work on his legs. The subsequent 2-week period will focus on his legs where he had 3 hip surgeries. The final 2-week period will focus on his mobile agility and shooting ability on a basketball court where he will actually use a basketball. This is his ultimate goal: move fluidly without a limp and shoot basketballs with his young athletes who he coaches.
Tap talks about the effects of KAATSU on his lower and upper body after his sixth KAATSU session over a 2-week period (15-20 minute sessions on April 9th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, and 19th).
After 7 short KAATSU sessions, Tap can now pass and shoot a basketball - and open a Gatorade bottle - which he could not do before:
Tap also could not previously pick up his keys from the floor, but things changed after 7 KAATSU sessions of 20 minutes each. His Base SKU pressure is 35 SKU on both his arms and legs. His Optimal SKU pressure is now 290 SKU on his arms and 320 SKU on his legs.
During his 8th KAATSU session, Tap warmed up for his basketball moves with some KAATSU Cycles on his upper body (30 SKU Base Pressure + 290 SKU Optimal Pressure) and some KAATSU Walking with 35 SKU Base Pressure + 320 SKU Optimal Pressure on his legs.
He finished up his KAATSU session with some basketball moves he has not done for decades.
On Day 14 on June 6th, Tap did a series of KAATSU 3-Point Exercises (triceps extensions shown below) followed by a series of wall push-ups in the KAATSU Cycle mode:
On Day 17 on June 20th, Tap went out to a local basketball court to demonstrate his newly found strength and mobility:
For an explanation on what is happening physiologically, click here.
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
More Can Be Better
For who? researchers, Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

Data from research at the University of Tokyo Medical School Hospital’s 22nd Century Medical Center from the Ischemic Circulation Physiology Department found that KAATSU leads to the secretion of Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor (VEGF).
VEGF is known to enhance blood vessel neogenesis. The research found that various resistance exercises with KAATSU Air Bands lead to the secretion and activation of VEGF.
The research also confirmed that KAATSU increases vascular endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) using a strain gauge plethysmograph (EC 6 manufactured by Hokanson) that measured vascular endothelium.
The plethysmograph can conduct non-invasive evaluation of the elasticity of blood vessels and the endothelial function. Early detection of lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., arteriosclerosis) and the treatment evaluation of vascular endothelial function result by measuring parameters including arterial influx, venous volume, and venous outflow.
Using the vascular endothelium test measurement instrument, the researchers found that the more KAATSU is properly and safely performed following the standard KAATSU protocols, the more elastic the blood vessels can become. That is, the more often KAATSU was performed, the greater endothelium elasticity was achieved.

Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

Data from research at the University of Tokyo Medical School Hospital’s 22nd Century Medical Center from the Ischemic Circulation Physiology Department found that KAATSU leads to the secretion of Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor (VEGF).
VEGF is known to enhance blood vessel neogenesis. The research found that various resistance exercises with KAATSU Air Bands lead to the secretion and activation of VEGF.
The research also confirmed that KAATSU increases vascular endothelial progenitor cells (EPC) using a strain gauge plethysmograph (EC 6 manufactured by Hokanson) that measured vascular endothelium.
The plethysmograph can conduct non-invasive evaluation of the elasticity of blood vessels and the endothelial function. Early detection of lifestyle-related diseases (e.g., arteriosclerosis) and the treatment evaluation of vascular endothelial function result by measuring parameters including arterial influx, venous volume, and venous outflow.
Using the vascular endothelium test measurement instrument, the researchers found that the more KAATSU is properly and safely performed following the standard KAATSU protocols, the more elastic the blood vessels can become. That is, the more often KAATSU was performed, the greater endothelium elasticity was achieved.

Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
KAATSU Cycling
For who? Cyclists, Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

KAATSU Cycle is a sequential series of increasing pressure on the circumference of a limb by KAATSU Air Bands. The invention in Tokyo in 1973 by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato is based on his blood flow moderation concepts.
KAATSU Global has developed a series of commercial products - KAATSU Nano, KAATSU Master, KAATSU Master 2.0 - with this modality that has long been used by people of all ages and abilities from Navy SEALs and professional and Olympic athletes to aging Baby Boomers and individuals as old as 104 years.
The concept is patented (United States 9,775,619) as a Compression and Decompression Control System and Vascular Strengthening Method by Dr. Sato and is used by athletes preparing for the Olympics to individuals with cardiac issues including those who have just come out of heart bypass surgery at the University of Tokyo Hospital under the care of cardiologists Drs. Nakajima and Morita.
With the KAATSU Cycle modality, users benefit from doing rehabilitation and exercise with different levels of pressure and duration that are automatically applied. Different goals for different individuals are achieved based on the different protocols.
So, for example, a Navy SEAL or an NBA player might use Cycle 60 (i.e., 60 seconds of pressure followed by 20 seconds of no pressure in 8 sequential cycles as the pressure levels increase each cycle) for Performance Training (i.e., meant to improve strength, stamina or speed on a healthy individual) while a patient with a broken bone or a septuagenarian recovering from a knee replacement surgery might use Cycle 20 (i.e., 20 seconds of pressure followed by 5 seconds of no pressure) for rehabilitation. The appropriate tightness for each individual based on a combination of their Base SKU pressure (i.e., manual tightening of the pneumatic bands) and Optimal SKU pressure (i.e., inflated tightening of the bands).
KAATSU Global offers numerous different KAATSU Cycle modalities depending on the person’s age, conditions and goals from Performance Training to Rehabilitation to Recovery - and is an ideal mode to get some quick and efficient exercise or stress relief in the office or work cubicle:
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

KAATSU Cycle is a sequential series of increasing pressure on the circumference of a limb by KAATSU Air Bands. The invention in Tokyo in 1973 by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato is based on his blood flow moderation concepts.
KAATSU Global has developed a series of commercial products - KAATSU Nano, KAATSU Master, KAATSU Master 2.0 - with this modality that has long been used by people of all ages and abilities from Navy SEALs and professional and Olympic athletes to aging Baby Boomers and individuals as old as 104 years.
The concept is patented (United States 9,775,619) as a Compression and Decompression Control System and Vascular Strengthening Method by Dr. Sato and is used by athletes preparing for the Olympics to individuals with cardiac issues including those who have just come out of heart bypass surgery at the University of Tokyo Hospital under the care of cardiologists Drs. Nakajima and Morita.
With the KAATSU Cycle modality, users benefit from doing rehabilitation and exercise with different levels of pressure and duration that are automatically applied. Different goals for different individuals are achieved based on the different protocols.
So, for example, a Navy SEAL or an NBA player might use Cycle 60 (i.e., 60 seconds of pressure followed by 20 seconds of no pressure in 8 sequential cycles as the pressure levels increase each cycle) for Performance Training (i.e., meant to improve strength, stamina or speed on a healthy individual) while a patient with a broken bone or a septuagenarian recovering from a knee replacement surgery might use Cycle 20 (i.e., 20 seconds of pressure followed by 5 seconds of no pressure) for rehabilitation. The appropriate tightness for each individual based on a combination of their Base SKU pressure (i.e., manual tightening of the pneumatic bands) and Optimal SKU pressure (i.e., inflated tightening of the bands).
KAATSU Global offers numerous different KAATSU Cycle modalities depending on the person’s age, conditions and goals from Performance Training to Rehabilitation to Recovery - and is an ideal mode to get some quick and efficient exercise or stress relief in the office or work cubicle:
Copyright © 2014-2018 by KAATSU Global
Organizational Use Of KAATSU
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

In an organizational setting of KAATSU where there are many (over 20 individuals) doing KAATSU at the same time, in the same location, and with strict time limitations (e.g., at a military base or with an athletic team), KAATSU Global recommends the following protocols for KAATSU Group Lessons:
* Each individual is first taught the proper location of the KAATSU Air Bands on their arms and legs and their safe Base SKU pressure.
* Each individual is taught how to check their Capillary Refill Time (CRT).
* Each individual is taught how to warm-up and warm-down and rehabilitate with the KAATSU Cycle mode.
* Each individual is taught how to find their own Optimal SKU pressure - that will gradually change over time and vary between different exercises and activities (e.g., isometric versus aerobic exercises).
* The leaders or coaches confirm each individual has a complete comprehension of the above.
* During the KAATSU Group Lessons, each individual is responsible for constantly checking the CRT of their individual (or teammate to their right) if they are simultaneously doing the same activities.
* The leaders or coaches are responsible for reviewing everyone's CRT on a random basis.
* The KAATSU Air Band sets can be shared for efficiency. Half of the group can use the bands on their arms while the other half of the group uses the bands on their legs.
* If some individuals can do vastly more repetitions than their peers, then the leader or coach can ask those with greater abilities to slow down the pace of their repetitions and contract their muscles in the positive and negative directions.
* If the leaders are coaches have very specific training sets (e.g., push-ups or core work or sprints), specific Optimal SKU levels may be varied (100-500 SKU) in order to accommodate the different capabilities of each individual.
* KAATSU should be done on both legs and arms, and in the cases where there are significant differences between the strength or abilities of one limb versus the other limb, the Optimal SKU levels can be set differently for each limb.
* More frequent use of KAATSU will lead to an increased elasticity of veins and capillaries.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

In an organizational setting of KAATSU where there are many (over 20 individuals) doing KAATSU at the same time, in the same location, and with strict time limitations (e.g., at a military base or with an athletic team), KAATSU Global recommends the following protocols for KAATSU Group Lessons:
* Each individual is first taught the proper location of the KAATSU Air Bands on their arms and legs and their safe Base SKU pressure.
* Each individual is taught how to check their Capillary Refill Time (CRT).
* Each individual is taught how to warm-up and warm-down and rehabilitate with the KAATSU Cycle mode.
* Each individual is taught how to find their own Optimal SKU pressure - that will gradually change over time and vary between different exercises and activities (e.g., isometric versus aerobic exercises).
* The leaders or coaches confirm each individual has a complete comprehension of the above.
* During the KAATSU Group Lessons, each individual is responsible for constantly checking the CRT of their individual (or teammate to their right) if they are simultaneously doing the same activities.
* The leaders or coaches are responsible for reviewing everyone's CRT on a random basis.
* The KAATSU Air Band sets can be shared for efficiency. Half of the group can use the bands on their arms while the other half of the group uses the bands on their legs.
* If some individuals can do vastly more repetitions than their peers, then the leader or coach can ask those with greater abilities to slow down the pace of their repetitions and contract their muscles in the positive and negative directions.
* If the leaders are coaches have very specific training sets (e.g., push-ups or core work or sprints), specific Optimal SKU levels may be varied (100-500 SKU) in order to accommodate the different capabilities of each individual.
* KAATSU should be done on both legs and arms, and in the cases where there are significant differences between the strength or abilities of one limb versus the other limb, the Optimal SKU levels can be set differently for each limb.
* More frequent use of KAATSU will lead to an increased elasticity of veins and capillaries.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
Warming Up And Warming Down With KAATSU
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, student-athletes
For what? mobility, flexibility, recovery

KAATSU is well-known to help build muscle mass and girth. But this is only one single aspect, one athletic perspective, one possible benefit, and one resultant outcome of KAATSU.
There are some athletic activities that need only a greater range of motion or increased strength or improved performance - and do not desire greater muscle mass or girth. Similarly, some individuals do not wish to gain muscle mass or muscle girth - they prefer improved muscle tone or improved BMI.
In these cases, the KAATSU Cycle is an ideal application of KAATSU.
The KAATSU Cycle should be done before every KAATSU session as an ideal warm-up protocol. You can start off at your usual Base SKU pressure and a conservative Optimal SKU pressure. Stretch while the KAATSU Air Bands are inflated and rest while the bands are deflated. Then increase your Optimal SKU pressure on the second (and subsequent) KAATSU Cycles. For example, you can start with a Base SKU of 20 and an Optimal SKU of 200 SKU on the first KAATSU Cycle (that takes 3 minutes 20 seconds).
Then you can increase the Optimal SKU to 250 SKU and 300 SKU respectively on the subsequent KAATSU Cycles. Continue to stretch or do other warm-up exercises as appropriate to your sport or activity.
Then, a few KAATSU Cycles can be repeated at the end of your KAATSU session or after your workout is over. First, do a complete release of the KAATSU Air Bands and get well-hydrated. Then re-apply the KAATSU Air Bands and do a few KAATSU Cycles. But in this case, you can slightly lower your Base SKU and use a lower Optimal SKU pressure to help flush out the lactic acid that may have built up during your workout.
You can walk or do simple stretching while you do the warm-down KAATSU Cycles that will help mitigate undesired muscle growth and increased girth.
The use of KAATSU Cycle is a safe and effective engorgement of blood in the limbs. A warm-up or warm-down while moving (e.g., walking or stretching) in such a physiological state will lead to improved preparation for vigorous training or greater efficiency in flushing out lactic acid that has built up.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? mobility, flexibility, recovery

KAATSU is well-known to help build muscle mass and girth. But this is only one single aspect, one athletic perspective, one possible benefit, and one resultant outcome of KAATSU.
There are some athletic activities that need only a greater range of motion or increased strength or improved performance - and do not desire greater muscle mass or girth. Similarly, some individuals do not wish to gain muscle mass or muscle girth - they prefer improved muscle tone or improved BMI.
In these cases, the KAATSU Cycle is an ideal application of KAATSU.
The KAATSU Cycle should be done before every KAATSU session as an ideal warm-up protocol. You can start off at your usual Base SKU pressure and a conservative Optimal SKU pressure. Stretch while the KAATSU Air Bands are inflated and rest while the bands are deflated. Then increase your Optimal SKU pressure on the second (and subsequent) KAATSU Cycles. For example, you can start with a Base SKU of 20 and an Optimal SKU of 200 SKU on the first KAATSU Cycle (that takes 3 minutes 20 seconds).
Then you can increase the Optimal SKU to 250 SKU and 300 SKU respectively on the subsequent KAATSU Cycles. Continue to stretch or do other warm-up exercises as appropriate to your sport or activity.
Then, a few KAATSU Cycles can be repeated at the end of your KAATSU session or after your workout is over. First, do a complete release of the KAATSU Air Bands and get well-hydrated. Then re-apply the KAATSU Air Bands and do a few KAATSU Cycles. But in this case, you can slightly lower your Base SKU and use a lower Optimal SKU pressure to help flush out the lactic acid that may have built up during your workout.
You can walk or do simple stretching while you do the warm-down KAATSU Cycles that will help mitigate undesired muscle growth and increased girth.
The use of KAATSU Cycle is a safe and effective engorgement of blood in the limbs. A warm-up or warm-down while moving (e.g., walking or stretching) in such a physiological state will lead to improved preparation for vigorous training or greater efficiency in flushing out lactic acid that has built up.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
Monday, April 2, 2018
Post-ACL Surgery KAATSU Protocols
For who? Competitive athletes
For what? Mobility, Flexibility, Recovery and Rehabilitation

After anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery, rehabilitation begins in order to help blood circulation, prevent blood clots from forming in your legs, and to prevent muscle atrophy.
Dr. Yoshiaki Sato has long worked with KAATSU Specialists in Japan to develop specific protocols to incorporate KAATSU into post-ACL surgery rehabilitation.
With the approval of your physician and therapist, patients can begin KAATSU soon (72 hours) after the surgery if there are no complications. The patient can also do KAATSU on their other healthy limbs (i.e., healthy leg and both arms). The standard protocol includes the following:
KAATSU Equipment
›› Use either the KAATSU Master 2.0, the KAATSU Nano, the KAATSU C3, and the KAATSU B1 together with the KAATSU Air Bands.
›› The KAATSU Air Bands may look like a tourniquet or blood pressure cuff, but they are specifically designed and manufactured to allow arterial flow to continue and only moderate the venous flow.
›› Because KAATSU has systemic effects, it is recommended to do KAATSU both on the arms first and then the legs no matter when the injury or surgery is located.
Important Points
›› Be well-hydrated before and during KAATSU the Original BFR.
›› Always follow KAATSU protocols (i.e., always have Capillary Refill Time within 3 seconds with no occlusion).
›› You should experience no lightheadedness, or no numbness or whiteness in your limbs. If so, immediately take off the KAATSU Air Bands. ›› Always start with the KAATSU Cycles on both the arms and legs. For older patients and patients who lead sedentary lives, ONLY do KAATSU Cycles.
›› Proceed with KAATSU 3-point Exercises (first on arms and then on legs) or do KAATSU while conducting physical rehabilitation exercises. ›› KAATSU can be done daily, even twice per day during rehabilitation or recovery from injuries.
›› Use an appropriate Base SKU and Optimal SKU that is safe and falls within the standard KAATSU guidelines. However, it is always best to begin KAATSU sessions with low Optimal SKU on the first few KAATSU Cycles.
›› Never experience pain in the joint, tendon, bone or injured areas while doing KAATSU.
›› Always use the correct form in any movements.
›› Rest between sets and between exercises should be no more than 30 seconds.
›› Always breathe normally throughout the KAATSU Constant and KAATSU Cycle modes.
›› You can do KAATSU Cycle daily, but limit your KAATSU sessions to 15 minutes on your arms and 20 minutes on your legs during each session. ›› Sessions should always start with the KAATSU Cycle (i.e., 20 seconds of pressure on + 5 seconds of pressure off). This will help prepare (“warm-up”) the muscles, veins and capillaries before doing anything more strenuous.
›› In order to avoid atrophy, you can regularly do the KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on your legs.
KAATSU Cycles ›› With the KAATSU Air Bands at the appropriate Base SKU pressure (i.e., manual tightening) and Optimal SKU pressure (i.e., the inflated pressure), do 3 sets each of the following depending on how the you feel and your range of mobility:
* toe curls
* heel raises (or just rotating the ankles)
* leg curls
* repeated quadricep contractions
* stretching
* stationary bike riding
* leg presses
›› You can do the same KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on your healthy leg and the following KAATSU 3-Point Exercises for your arms, performed slowly while contracting your muscles:
* hand clenches
* biceps curls
* triceps extensions
* stretching
›› As you become more mobile, simple walking (especially in the sand at the beach) with the KAATSU Air Bands on is beneficial. You can even do this at yourr home or office as you walk back and forth in your room. If you regularly do these exercises, you should not see any muscle atrophy.
›› Your skin should turn pink or reddish as your limb should experience an engorgement of pool in the limbs.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or therapist.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Mobility, Flexibility, Recovery and Rehabilitation

After anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) surgery, rehabilitation begins in order to help blood circulation, prevent blood clots from forming in your legs, and to prevent muscle atrophy.
Dr. Yoshiaki Sato has long worked with KAATSU Specialists in Japan to develop specific protocols to incorporate KAATSU into post-ACL surgery rehabilitation.
With the approval of your physician and therapist, patients can begin KAATSU soon (72 hours) after the surgery if there are no complications. The patient can also do KAATSU on their other healthy limbs (i.e., healthy leg and both arms). The standard protocol includes the following:
KAATSU Equipment
›› Use either the KAATSU Master 2.0, the KAATSU Nano, the KAATSU C3, and the KAATSU B1 together with the KAATSU Air Bands.
›› The KAATSU Air Bands may look like a tourniquet or blood pressure cuff, but they are specifically designed and manufactured to allow arterial flow to continue and only moderate the venous flow.
›› Because KAATSU has systemic effects, it is recommended to do KAATSU both on the arms first and then the legs no matter when the injury or surgery is located.
Important Points
›› Be well-hydrated before and during KAATSU the Original BFR.
›› Always follow KAATSU protocols (i.e., always have Capillary Refill Time within 3 seconds with no occlusion).
›› You should experience no lightheadedness, or no numbness or whiteness in your limbs. If so, immediately take off the KAATSU Air Bands. ›› Always start with the KAATSU Cycles on both the arms and legs. For older patients and patients who lead sedentary lives, ONLY do KAATSU Cycles.
›› Proceed with KAATSU 3-point Exercises (first on arms and then on legs) or do KAATSU while conducting physical rehabilitation exercises. ›› KAATSU can be done daily, even twice per day during rehabilitation or recovery from injuries.
›› Use an appropriate Base SKU and Optimal SKU that is safe and falls within the standard KAATSU guidelines. However, it is always best to begin KAATSU sessions with low Optimal SKU on the first few KAATSU Cycles.
›› Never experience pain in the joint, tendon, bone or injured areas while doing KAATSU.
›› Always use the correct form in any movements.
›› Rest between sets and between exercises should be no more than 30 seconds.
›› Always breathe normally throughout the KAATSU Constant and KAATSU Cycle modes.
›› You can do KAATSU Cycle daily, but limit your KAATSU sessions to 15 minutes on your arms and 20 minutes on your legs during each session. ›› Sessions should always start with the KAATSU Cycle (i.e., 20 seconds of pressure on + 5 seconds of pressure off). This will help prepare (“warm-up”) the muscles, veins and capillaries before doing anything more strenuous.
›› In order to avoid atrophy, you can regularly do the KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on your legs.
KAATSU Cycles ›› With the KAATSU Air Bands at the appropriate Base SKU pressure (i.e., manual tightening) and Optimal SKU pressure (i.e., the inflated pressure), do 3 sets each of the following depending on how the you feel and your range of mobility:
* toe curls
* heel raises (or just rotating the ankles)
* leg curls
* repeated quadricep contractions
* stretching
* stationary bike riding
* leg presses
›› You can do the same KAATSU 3-Point Exercises on your healthy leg and the following KAATSU 3-Point Exercises for your arms, performed slowly while contracting your muscles:
* hand clenches
* biceps curls
* triceps extensions
* stretching
›› As you become more mobile, simple walking (especially in the sand at the beach) with the KAATSU Air Bands on is beneficial. You can even do this at yourr home or office as you walk back and forth in your room. If you regularly do these exercises, you should not see any muscle atrophy.
›› Your skin should turn pink or reddish as your limb should experience an engorgement of pool in the limbs.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of your doctor or therapist.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
KAATSU: Application to Metabolic Syndrome

Dr. Satoh of the Satoh Clinic in Ube City, Japan presented a clinical study entitled Kaatsu Training: Application to Metabolic Syndrome where he applied KAATSU to patients with metabolic syndrome based on the principles and protocols of KAATSU the original BFR.
His goal was to evaluate the effect of KAATSU on patients with hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, and obesity with metabolic syndrome.
Dr. Satoh asked 18 patients to do the standard KAATSU 3-Point Exercises for 6-12 minutes, once or twice a week with a Borg scale at level 13. The usefulness of KAATSU was evaluated after 3-4 months. The patients were instructed not to change their lifestyles (e.g., food, medicine and exercise).
Dr. Satoh (note: no relation to KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato of Tokyo) reported the following results: The effectiveness of KAATSU was shown in 31 out of 51 patients (61%). In 12 out of 18 patients (67%) with hypertension, systolic blood pressure dropped from an average of 166 mmHg to 146 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure also dropped from an average of 96 mmHg to 86 mmHg.
In 6 out of 10 patients (60%) with diabetes mellitus, HbA1c dropped from an average of 6.8% to 6.12%.
In 8 out of 14 patients (57%) with dyslipidemia, LDL-c decreased from an average of 158 mg/dl to 136 mg/dl. In 5 out of 9 patients (56%) with obesity, there was a reduction in weight from an average of 67 kg to 59 kg.
The doctor concluded that KAATSU improves physical conditions including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia and obesity with metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic syndrome is defined as a condition of visceral fat accumulation with a combination of two or more of hyperglycemia, hypertension or dyslipidemia. These closely resemble the symptoms of somatopause which is the condition of decreasing growth hormone (hereafter GH) secretion with aging.
On the other hand, KAATSU has brought about a variety of good effects in muscle strength (Takarada et al., 2000; Abe et al., 2005), lipolysis (Satoh, 2011) and health promotion. KAATSU has also been applied in the field of medical care (Nakajima et al., 2007). In my clinic, exercise therapy, especially walking, has become valued for the treatment and prevention of metabolic syndrome (Satoh, 1990). Nevertheless, in cases of patients with a walking disturbance or patients who cannot spare one hour or more for walking, KAATSU has been proactively introduced and good results were obtained (Satoh, 2006). This method can be performed in a short period of time, without placing a burden on the knees and the lower back. Furthermore, it is believed that there is a good effect even with metabolic syndrome because of the secretion of GH. Therefore, the effectiveness of KAATSU on metabolic syndrome was evaluated in this study.
The subjects of this study were 51 patients with metabolic syndrome (14 males and 37 females) out of 96 patients treated with KAATSU so far at my clinic.
The ages of these subjects were as follows: 3 in their 30’s, 5 in their 40’s, 9 in their 50’s, 12 in their 60’s, 10 in their 70’s, 10 in their 80’s and 2 in their 90’s. The diseases of subjects were as follows: 18 patients with hypertension (7 males and 11 females), 10 patients with diabetes mellitus (3 males and 7 females), 14 patients with dyslipidemia (4 males and 10 females), and 9 patients with obesity (1 male and 8 females).
The criteria of indication for KAATSU were as follows:
Hypertension: Systolic blood pressure, 150 mmHg - 170 mmHg, Diastolic blood pressure, 90 mmHg - 100 mmHg
Diabetes mellitus: HbA1c levels of 6.5% or above
Dyslipidemia: LDL cholesterol levels of 140 mg/dl or above
Obesity: BMI levels of 28 or above
However, patients with a resting blood pressure of 170 / 100 mmHg or above were excluded from the subjects because they could be considered at danger of a rise in pressure during KAATSU training. Fasting blood samples were taken early in the morning and body weight was measured with the Body Composition Analyzer MC190 (TANITA Corporation, Tokyo). The kinetics of GH secretion before and after KAATSU was examined in one elderly patient to confirm the results reported before, since the levels of GH in previous studies were checked only in young athletes (Takarada et al., 2000) or healthy males (Takano et al., 2006).
KAATSU training protocols
Before KAATSU was applied, there was first a 10-minute period of stretching of the entire body. Then, the KAATSU belts (Sato Sports Plaza, Tokyo) were coiled around the proximal end of either the arms or the legs. After this, the pneumatic control type KAATSU Training Device (the KAATSU-Master or the KAATSU-Mini, Sato Sports Plaza, Tokyo) was connected to those belts, and KAATSU was performed for a period of 6-12 minutes under an appropriate pressure (60 to 160 mmHg for the arms and 80 to 200 mmHg for the legs respectively). The appropriate pressure was set so as the patients didn’t feel pain in the distal portion to the KAATSU belt during the exercise. The content of KAATSU was a 3-exercise set of training (Sato Y, 2007a); that is, (1) an opening and shutting movement of both the fingers and the toes at the same time, (2) an extension and a flexion of the arms (arm curl) and the feet (toes raise) at the same time, and (3) a pushing the both fists which are placed in front of the chest down obliquely to behind, with stretching the elbows (push down) and the heels up (calf raise) at the same time. Each 3-exercise set was performed 30 times with 20 second resting intervals.
This exercise intensity was equivalent to the Borg scale of level 13 (somewhat hard). KAATSU was performed once or twice a week.
Evaluation of the effectiveness
For the exact evaluation, the purpose of this study was sufficiently explained to the patients and they were instructed not to change their lifestyle (food, exercise, and medicine). Nevertheless, some patients changed their lifestyle during this study and they were therefore excluded from the assessment. The evaluation of the effect was done 3 to 4 months later.
The criteria of effectiveness were as follows:
Hypertension: Drop in systolic and diastolic pressure of 10% or above
Diabetes mellitus: Drop in HbA1c of 10% or above
Dyslipidemia: Decrease in LDL cholesterol of 8% or above
Obesity: Weight loss of 10% or above
Statistical methods
All values are expressed as means ± S.D.
There were no accidents in this study.
KAATSU was effective against metabolic syndrome in 31 patients (61%), and ineffective in 11 patients (22%). A total of 9 patients (17%) were excluded.
Among the excluded cases, 6 patients changed their lifestyles during this study; 5 patients added diet or exercise therapy by themselves, seeking further improvement because they had seen the effectiveness of KAATSU before the evaluation, and a patient had his medical treatment changed by another clinic during the study. Furthermore, 3 patients withdrew themselves from the study because no effects had appeared; 2 patients had diabetes mellitus and the other one had dyslipidemia.
KAATSU decreased blood pressure in 12 out of 18 patients with hypertension (67%). In systolic blood pressure, there was an average drop from 166 ± 5.98 mmHg to 146 ± 1.15 mmHg and the average drop rate was -12 ± 2.87%. In diastolic blood pressure, there was an average drop from 96 ± 2.68 mmHg to 86 ± 2.88 mmHg and the average drop rate was -10 ± 2.24%. Among the 2 excluded cases, one patient added walking to his lifestyle by himself and the other patient who attended a different clinic had his medication reduced by the attending physician.
KAATSU was effective in 6 out of 10 patients with diabetes mellitus (60%): HbA1c dropped by an average of 6.8 ± 0.31% to 6.12 ± 0.29% and the average of drop rate was -10 ± 0.56%. There were 3 excluded patients in this group. A patient restricted her eating habits (snacks between meals) by herself and the other 2 patients discontinued KAATSU 2 months after starting without seeing a drop in HbA1c.
KAATSU was effective in 8 out of 14 patients with dyslipidemia (57%): LDL-c decreased by an average of -14 ± 2.62% in 158 ± 12.60 mg/dl to 136 ± 6.99 mg/dl. Among the 2 excluded patients, one patient restricted her eating habits (snacks between meals) by herself, and the other patient discontinued KAATSU treatment because LDL-c didn’t drop. KAATSU was also effective in 5 out of 9 patients with obesity (56%): There was an average reduction in body weight from 67 ± 4.26 kg (BMI 28.7±1.82) to 59 ± 3.30 kg (BMI 25.2±1.41) and by an average of -12 ± 1.91 (BMI -12 ± 0.48)%. There were 2 patients excluded because they restricted their eating habits (snacks between meals).
For additional details on this study, visit the Research Page on the KAATSU Global website here.
KAATSU Arm 3-point Exercises [refer to illustrations above]
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the arms involves hand clenches, bicep curls and tricep extensions. Each set of exercises should be done 3-4 times each with a maximum of 20 seconds rest between each set. Ideally, the number of repetitions for each exercise decreases before the user reaches muscular or technical failure* (or fatigues).
That is, an ideal set would be 25-30 repetitions on set #1, 10-15 repetitions on set #2, and 5-10 repetitions on set #3. Even if only 1-2 repetitions are completed on the last set, this failure signal sent to the central nervous system is one of the goals of KAATSU.
KAATSU Leg 3-point Exercises [refer to illustrations above]
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the legs are either defined as Standard or Advanced.
The Standard KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the legs involves toe curls, toe raises, and heel raises. These are all performed while the user is seated comfortably with good posture on a chair. In general, these are preferred for older or less fit individuals or those just starting an exercise program or KAATSU.
The Advanced KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the legs are alternatively used by more fit or active individuals or for those individuals with more experience in KAATSU. These 3 basic exercises includes heel raises, leg curls and squats. The heel raises can be done while sitting or standing. The leg curls can be performed while standing and holding onto a chair or balancing against a wall. The squats (or "chair touches") can be performed while bending the knees to touch a chair and then popping back up.
Ideally, the squats are "non-lock" (partial extension) so that the muscles are constantly engaged and there is no rest while the knees are "locked" straight (in a full extension). This will build up fatigue and lactic acid more quickly.
Each set of exercises should be done 3-4 times each with a maximum of 20 seconds between each set. Ideally, the number of repetitions for each exercise decreases before the user reaches muscular or technical failure (or fatigues).
That is, an ideal set would be 25-30 repetitions on set #1, 10-15 repetitions on set #2, and 5-10 repetitions on set #3. Even if only 1-2 repetitions are completed on the last set, this failure signal sent to the central nervous system is one of the goals of KAATSU.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
In Connection With KAATSU
* AlterG treadmills
* regular treadmills
* exercise bikes
* resistance bands
* very light weights
* water bottles
* hand paddles and fins in a pool
* home gyms
* Bosu balls
* ab machines & ab rollers
* rowing machines
* elliptical machines
* step machines
* jump ropes
* golf clubs and baseball bats
Copyright © 2014 - 2016 by KAATSU Global
Andre Metzger, Wrestling Hall Of Famer, On KAATSU
For who? Competitive athletes
For what? Mobility, Flexibility, Recovery and Rehabilitation

Andre Metzger was inducted in the Class of 2017 as a Distinguished Member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.
Metzger has been a KAATSU Master Specialist for nearly four years and has seen great results on himself and his wrestling athletes who he coaches at the University of North Texas.
He is a legendary high school wrestler from Michigan who won two NCAA titles for the University of Oklahoma and was a freestyle World medalist winning numerous international events over the course of his career.
His Hall of Fame induction reads as follows, "Andre Metzger is one of the greatest technicians in amateur wrestling history, and he wrestled and won more matches than anyone, competing in over 2,000 matches and winning 1,870 for an estimated winning percentage of 93.5%.
He was a state champion at Cedar Springs High School in Michigan and was the first wrestler to win five junior national titles, capturing three freestyle and two Greco-Roman championships.
Before beginning his career at the University of Oklahoma, he wrestled in the 1979 World Championships and won a bronze medal to become the youngest American to medal in the World Championships at 19 years old.
He was a two-time NCAA champion and a four-time All-American for Oklahoma, winning titles in 1981 and 1982 after finishing second in 1980 and fifth in 1979.
Metzger was the United States Senior Greco-Roman champion in 1980 and a five-time U.S. Freestyle Champion, winning titles in 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1987. Metzger won gold medals at the Pan American Games in 1979 and 1987 while capturing silver medals at the World Cup in 1980, 1986 and 1988 and at the World Games in 1986. He was an alternate to Distinguished Member Nate Carr on the 1988 Olympic Freestyle team and defeated at least six Olympic gold medalists during his career.
He returned to the mat in 2012 at the age of 52 and competed for a spot on the U.S. Greco-Roman team.
Metzger was an assistant coach at Indiana University, University of North Carolina and Villanova University from 1983-88 and currently is the head coach at the University of North Texas as well as a member of the coaching staff for the Bombers of Frisco Wrestling Club."
Metzger describes below how KAATSU helps his collegiate wrestlers at the University of North Texas and the Bombers of Frisco Wrestling Club make weight before their bouts.
Metzger uses a KAATSU Nano and KAATSU Air Bands on his wrestlers' arms and legs (separately) with the appropriate Base SKU (compression) and Optimal SKU (compression) - while taking care to monitor their fluid intake.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Mobility, Flexibility, Recovery and Rehabilitation
Andre Metzger was inducted in the Class of 2017 as a Distinguished Member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.
Metzger has been a KAATSU Master Specialist for nearly four years and has seen great results on himself and his wrestling athletes who he coaches at the University of North Texas.
He is a legendary high school wrestler from Michigan who won two NCAA titles for the University of Oklahoma and was a freestyle World medalist winning numerous international events over the course of his career.
His Hall of Fame induction reads as follows, "Andre Metzger is one of the greatest technicians in amateur wrestling history, and he wrestled and won more matches than anyone, competing in over 2,000 matches and winning 1,870 for an estimated winning percentage of 93.5%.
He was a state champion at Cedar Springs High School in Michigan and was the first wrestler to win five junior national titles, capturing three freestyle and two Greco-Roman championships.
Before beginning his career at the University of Oklahoma, he wrestled in the 1979 World Championships and won a bronze medal to become the youngest American to medal in the World Championships at 19 years old.
He was a two-time NCAA champion and a four-time All-American for Oklahoma, winning titles in 1981 and 1982 after finishing second in 1980 and fifth in 1979.
Metzger was the United States Senior Greco-Roman champion in 1980 and a five-time U.S. Freestyle Champion, winning titles in 1979, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1987. Metzger won gold medals at the Pan American Games in 1979 and 1987 while capturing silver medals at the World Cup in 1980, 1986 and 1988 and at the World Games in 1986. He was an alternate to Distinguished Member Nate Carr on the 1988 Olympic Freestyle team and defeated at least six Olympic gold medalists during his career.
He returned to the mat in 2012 at the age of 52 and competed for a spot on the U.S. Greco-Roman team.
Metzger was an assistant coach at Indiana University, University of North Carolina and Villanova University from 1983-88 and currently is the head coach at the University of North Texas as well as a member of the coaching staff for the Bombers of Frisco Wrestling Club."
Metzger describes below how KAATSU helps his collegiate wrestlers at the University of North Texas and the Bombers of Frisco Wrestling Club make weight before their bouts.
Metzger uses a KAATSU Nano and KAATSU Air Bands on his wrestlers' arms and legs (separately) with the appropriate Base SKU (compression) and Optimal SKU (compression) - while taking care to monitor their fluid intake.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
KAATSU Leads To Decreased CRP Levels
The 77-year-old hardened veteran of the open water is also a blazing fast masters swimmer.
Allcord is coached and was trained on KAATSU the original BFR by Olympic swim coach Chris Morgan at Boston University.
He does the KAATSU Cycle regularly at his appropriate Base SKU and Optimal SKU levels. He recently noticed something that he brought up to Coach Morgan. "I just started kick biking again, since the weather has improved. I noticed that when I grab the handlebar that I have no pain in my hands. Last summer, whenever I kick biked my hands consistentally hurt due to arthritis which had been diagnosed.
Is it possible that KAATSU has caused this pain relief? If it is, that’s truly amazing and a wonderful, unanticipated effect."
KAATSU inventor Dr. Sato explained the mechanism behind the apparent pain relief that many KAATSU users feel after doing repeated KAATSU Cycle sets while gradually and only incrementally increasing the air pressure in the KAATSU Air Bands.
Along with his colleagues at the University of Tokyo Hospital (cardiologists Dr. Nakajima and Dr. Morita), he said, "We have found that KAATSU Training and the KAATSU Cycle leads to a decrease in CRP (C-reactive protein) which is a blood test marker for inflammation in the body. CRP levels increase in response to inflammation.
This is why people who have arthritis or are experiencing different kinds of pain report feeling relief after bouts of KAATSU. While there is also an increase in HGH (Human Growth Hormone), nitric oxide, IGF-1 (insulin growth factor) and VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), KAATSU also has shown to decrease CRP.
Typically with pain comes inflammation and the CRP increases. But with KAATSU, the decrease in CRP and production of EPC (endothelial progenitor cell) help. EPC are cells that help regenerate the endothelial lining of your blood vessels and is great for people like Mike."
Another practical application of this with shin splint (medically called, the medial tibial stress syndrome), one of the common problems with runners, dancers, and military recruits.
The key for relieving and eliinating the pain that comes with shin splints is the fact that KAATSU Cycle sets leads to a decrease in CRP along with the production of ECP (endothelial progenitor cells). Both of these phenomenon help reduce the inflammation in the tibia (the shinbone in the lower leg) that relieves the discomfort associated with shin splints.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
Friday, March 23, 2018
Working On One Limb At A Time
Above are various KAATSU the original BFR exercises performed by 5-time Olympic medalist Justin Gatlin who did his KAATSU workout together with Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, the KAATSU inventor, at Dr. Sato's office in Tokyo.
Gatlin warmed up with the KAATSU Cycle, both on his arms and legs, while learning his appropriate Base SKU pressure and Optimal SKU training pressure.
Gatlin first wanted to work on his left leg because the timing and firing of his left leg was slower than his right leg. In this case, he first performed several KAATSU Cycles on his left leg only with his appropriate Base pressure of 30 SKU and found his Optimal SKU pressure.
He then untethered the KAATSU connector tubes and did a variety of normal leg exercises with the left KAATSU Air Band on his left leg. Both he and his coach were surprised and happy with the results after Dr. Sato removed the KAATSU Leg BBand.
Gatlin then explained that his arms need to move faster in order to improve. So KAATSU Arm Bands were placed on both arms and his Optimal SKU pressure was found using the standard KAATSU Cycle protocols.
After several KAATSU Cycles where he gradually increased the Optimal SKU pressure, Dr. Sato untethered Gatlin from the KAATSU equipment. Gatlin proceeded to do his standard arm exercises, both with and without the bands on.
His body started to produce Human Growth Hormone, nitric oxide, VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), and beta endorphins as his level of CRP (C-reactive protein) started to decrease. All these factors enabled Gatlin to feel better and move his legs and arms as he had hoped. Many athletes describe this sensation as "feeling lighter or smoother - and faster."
Additionally, if increased speed is desired or required, Gatlin and every other athlete can be directed to do several KAATSU Cycles at increasingly higher SKU pressures on the KAATSU Nano or KAATSU Master 2.0 as they do specific movements. Then they can untether the KAATSU Air Bands and do normal training exercises at race pace. "We focus on race pain as opposed to race pace," said Olympic swim coach Chris Morgan. "The athletes train at the speed in which they want to move in competition, but with the KAATSU Air Bands on their limbs, the amount of lactate that builds up in their limbs leads to discomfort - the very kind of discomfort they will feel in competition."
Coach Morgan prefers to focus his athletes on their 'race pain' rather than their race pace. "I want them to experience the discomfort that they will face in a competition. With the KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands on, they can almost always get to that feeling. Over time, this helps them improve significantly as they start to be able to engage a greater percentage of their muscle fibers and deliver more blood to the exercising muscle as well as flush out the lactic acid more efficiently."
Elite track club in Florida after their KAATSU workouts.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
Saturday, March 17, 2018
KAATSU Performance Training For Football Players
Fundamentally, KAATSU applications are separated into three general areas. KAATSU protocols differ slightly for (1) Athletic Performance, (2) Rehabilitation, and (3) Recovery and Wellness.
Athletic Performance
KAATSU is used in different ways to develop speed or stamina or strength or muscle size or to lose weight or improve BMI. Each of these goals has slightly different protocols.
KAATSU is used together with basic physical therapy for people with broken bones, torn ligaments or tendons, or pulled muscles - and, very importantly, to eliminate muscle atrophy during rehabilitation and recovery. These protocols are specific with different applications of pressure and can include the CYCLE 20 or CYCLE 60.
Recovery & Wellness
KAATSU is used for recovery from injuries, jet lag and the effects of sedentary living.
When trainers and coaches focus on KAATSU Performance Training, they make sure the athlete is well-hydrated and start with 2-3 KAATSU Cycles. The pressure on for 20 seconds followed by pressure off for 5 seconds in sequentially higher pressures enables the athlete's capillaries and veins to become 'warmed up' (more elastic) and ready for more intense exercise.
The KAATSU Air Bands are then inflated to the athlete's Optimal SKU pressure. If this is the first experience with KAATSU Performance Training, the athlete should start off conservatively (i.e., low pressure). Over time, they can increase their Optimal SKU pressure as their bodies acclimate to KAATSU.
After the Optimal SKU pressure is reached, the athlete can untether (disconnect) the KAATSU Air Bands from the KAATSU unit and the athlete is free to move around the field. They should start off slowly and be comfortable, always checking their Capillary Refill Time.
Quarterbacks can throw, linemen can come off the line (like sumo wrestlers do), receivers can run routes, and punters can stretch and kick.
The athletes can do 5-10 repetitions of their motions (passes, routes, blocks or kicks). This will build up lactic acid fairly quickly in the muscles and their performance will gradually and slightly degenerate - so quarterbacks will throw with less of a zip, linemen and receivers will get very winded, and kickers will not be able to extend as normal). This is helping the muscle fibers get faster and stronger despite the athlete's increasing fatigue and decreasing performance.
Then take off the KAATSU Air Bands (off either their arms or legs - never use both the arm and leg bands together). The coaches and trainers should allow the athlete to rest and hydrate a bit. Linemen and receivers will definitely need to catch their breath.
Now the athlete should repeat the same movements (i.e., throws, blocks, routes, kicks) without the KAATSU Air Bands on. Their tactile feel should improve; their speed of movement should feel more fluid. Some athletes describe this feeling as being 'lighter'.
KAATSU Performance Training can be done daily and can be limited to less than 10 minutes (i.e., without a big impact to the total number of hours they are practicing).
Strength training exercises can even be done out on the field - without the need to head back to the weight room:
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Before And After Effects Of KAATSU Among The Elderly
For who? Baby Boomers, retirees, elderly, medical researchers
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery
At the Harvard Medical School in Boston on November 5th 2014, cardiologist Toshiaki Nakajima, M.D., Ph.D., formerly of the University of Tokyo Hospital [shown on left with KAATSU inventor Professor Sir Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, M.D., Ph.D.), presented a study entitled Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy inducted by KAATSU Rehabilitation and Prevention of Sarcopenia.
Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass and is a major problem among older individuals. Among both males and females, muscle strength decreases with age and muscle volume quickly decreases (0.45 kg per year) as individuals age past 50 years old. That is, fast twitch muscle fiber decreases on average to 50% by the age of 80 years.
To prevent it, physicians and physiologists understand that high-intensity resistance exercise (e.g., weight training or body weight exercises) is required. But this type of training is usually not possible - or desired - by the elderly.
But with KAATSU, individuals up to the age of 104 [see below and here] can perform low-load or no-load, non-impact exercise with KAATSU equipment following the KAATSU Cycle modality to induce muscle hypertrophy and strengthen muscle even with short-term, low-intensity exercise. With the KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands, the KAATSU no-load, non-impact exercise physiologically equals high-intensity, high-load training. In both cases (KAATSU and high-intensity, high-load training) the muscle and brain are stimulated to induce muscle hypertrophy and strength including fast twitch muscle fibers.
Dr. Nakajima tested 19 healthy elderly subjects with a mean age of 71 years [one 84-year-old subject is shown on left]. There were 10 individuals in the control group and 9 individuals in the experimental (KAATSU) group. The individuals did knee extensions and leg press exercises twice per week (Mondays and Thursdays) for 12 weeks. The SKU (Standard KAATSU Unit) pressure on the KAATSU leg bands ranged from 120-250 SKU.
Dr. Nakajima reported the significant increase in cross sectional area of thigh with MRI in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (2014 Oct;24(5):799-806). He also explained how the increase in muscle strength and mass leads to improvement of life function tests like getting up and out of a chair or bed.
Similar results were realized in the arms (biceps and triceps) among the group of elderly patients [see before-and-after effects of a 71-year-old subject on left].
He explains the process leading up to muscle hypertrophy due to traditional resistance training. "Typically, an individual needs to perform at least 65% of 1RM to create mechanical stress, metabolic stress, Hormone (cathecholamine) secretion, Growth factor, Cytokin (IL-6), nerve factor, local circulation, hypoxia and cell swelling that leads to adaptation and an increase in protein synthesis and decrease in protein degradation.
In contrast, KAATSU leads to several mechanisms that cause KAATSU's hypertrophic effects: recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibers, increase in Growth Hormone and IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor), amino acid uptake, increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in myostatin.
He described the process. "Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass is dependent on the relationship of muscle protein balance - protein synthesis and breakdown. A negative protein balance induces muscle atrophy, whereas a positive balance induces muscle hypertrophy.
After muscle disuse, during long-term bed rest and simulated models of no-bearing activity, severe skeletal muscle atrophy develops due to altered protein metabolism leading to decreased muscle contractile protein content.
To prevent this, resistance exercise, an established and potent stimulus for enhancing muscle protein synthesis and subsequent muscle hypertrophy, is traditionally used.
Conversely, skeletal muscle is a plastic organ that adapts its mass to the different conditions by affecting pathways that regulate protein and cellular turnover. Repetitive KAATSU appears to be a novel stimulus for skeletal muscle to induce a net positive protein balance and prevent atrophy especially with patients with orthopedic diseases or injuries or those with disuse syndrome, sarcopenia and cachexia (weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness)."
To view an example of the before-and-after effects of KAATSU on a 104-year-old female, visit here.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
For what? Strength, stamina, functional movement, mobility, flexibility, recovery

At the Harvard Medical School in Boston on November 5th 2014, cardiologist Toshiaki Nakajima, M.D., Ph.D., formerly of the University of Tokyo Hospital [shown on left with KAATSU inventor Professor Sir Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, M.D., Ph.D.), presented a study entitled Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy inducted by KAATSU Rehabilitation and Prevention of Sarcopenia.
Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass and is a major problem among older individuals. Among both males and females, muscle strength decreases with age and muscle volume quickly decreases (0.45 kg per year) as individuals age past 50 years old. That is, fast twitch muscle fiber decreases on average to 50% by the age of 80 years.
To prevent it, physicians and physiologists understand that high-intensity resistance exercise (e.g., weight training or body weight exercises) is required. But this type of training is usually not possible - or desired - by the elderly.
But with KAATSU, individuals up to the age of 104 [see below and here] can perform low-load or no-load, non-impact exercise with KAATSU equipment following the KAATSU Cycle modality to induce muscle hypertrophy and strengthen muscle even with short-term, low-intensity exercise. With the KAATSU Air Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands, the KAATSU no-load, non-impact exercise physiologically equals high-intensity, high-load training. In both cases (KAATSU and high-intensity, high-load training) the muscle and brain are stimulated to induce muscle hypertrophy and strength including fast twitch muscle fibers.

Dr. Nakajima reported the significant increase in cross sectional area of thigh with MRI in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports (2014 Oct;24(5):799-806). He also explained how the increase in muscle strength and mass leads to improvement of life function tests like getting up and out of a chair or bed.

He explains the process leading up to muscle hypertrophy due to traditional resistance training. "Typically, an individual needs to perform at least 65% of 1RM to create mechanical stress, metabolic stress, Hormone (cathecholamine) secretion, Growth factor, Cytokin (IL-6), nerve factor, local circulation, hypoxia and cell swelling that leads to adaptation and an increase in protein synthesis and decrease in protein degradation.
In contrast, KAATSU leads to several mechanisms that cause KAATSU's hypertrophic effects: recruitment of fast twitch muscle fibers, increase in Growth Hormone and IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor), amino acid uptake, increase in protein synthesis and a decrease in myostatin.
He described the process. "Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass is dependent on the relationship of muscle protein balance - protein synthesis and breakdown. A negative protein balance induces muscle atrophy, whereas a positive balance induces muscle hypertrophy.
After muscle disuse, during long-term bed rest and simulated models of no-bearing activity, severe skeletal muscle atrophy develops due to altered protein metabolism leading to decreased muscle contractile protein content.
To prevent this, resistance exercise, an established and potent stimulus for enhancing muscle protein synthesis and subsequent muscle hypertrophy, is traditionally used.
Conversely, skeletal muscle is a plastic organ that adapts its mass to the different conditions by affecting pathways that regulate protein and cellular turnover. Repetitive KAATSU appears to be a novel stimulus for skeletal muscle to induce a net positive protein balance and prevent atrophy especially with patients with orthopedic diseases or injuries or those with disuse syndrome, sarcopenia and cachexia (weakness and wasting of the body due to severe chronic illness)."
To view an example of the before-and-after effects of KAATSU on a 104-year-old female, visit here.
Copyright © 2014 - 2018 by KAATSU Global
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